A Model for a Year-long Apprentice Teaching Internship Joanne E. Goodell Jim Kilbane Cleveland State University
CSU field experiences Step 1 – 2 rotations, 18 hours, grades 6-8 Classroom Interactions, 40 hours, grades 6-8 Apprentice Teaching 1, 80 hours, grades 9-12 Separate course but concurrent enrollment with PBI Apprentice Teaching 2, 12 weeks, grades 9-12
Background CSU’s previous licensure program had many more field experience hours than the Uteach model in AT1 The purpose of AT1 (practicum) is to prepare students for AT2 (student teaching) AT2 placement continues in the same school unless a change is necessary
Rationale Step 2 is 9-12 because we wanted candidates to experience their content area before AT1 AT1/2 is 9-12 since that is where most will seek employment, and there may be a bias against candidates who have limited 9-12 experience
Benefits and Tradeoffs Start new year with the students and the teachers, experience opening “chaos” after census, learn to go with the flow Planning for 3rd quarter (when they are supposed to be teaching their edTPA unit) occurs in 2nd quarter Year-round schools have 10 week periods, our students can start aT2 before winter break
Staying with same mentor for whole year builds strong relationship, lessens transition period Increases time when able to be fully responsible for entire schedule Decreases variety of experiences, can be problematic for single field science license, but we have only integrated science
AT2 in spring intersects with state mandated standardized testing schedule Candidates who get delayed find it very difficult to complete edTPA and other requirements
What are we NOT willing to give up
Roundtable Discussion Questions What are you not willing to give up and why?
Roundtable Discussion Questions If you could change some aspect of your program, what would that be and why?