USCG Roles & Responsibilities During a Ship Fire
USCG Authorities for Fire Fighting 14 USC 88 (b) - The USCG must render aid 33 USC 1251 - COTP will coordinate public & private efforts to remove the threat & release of oil/Hazmat 33 USC 1221 – COTP to direct the movement of vessels, cargo & control the waterway to protect port assets USCG Policy – Marine Fire fighting is and should remain the responsibility of the state & local agencies
What about the VRP Regulations? 33 CFR Part 155, Subpart I Requires a fire & salvage plan for all tank vessels carrying Group I-IV oils (gasoline to heavy crudes) & freight vessels over 400 GT w/ capacity of over 2500 bbls. Must list fire fighting resources & response times in the plan Can list, by permission, municipal fire agencies as a response resource Must conduct exercises and drills Planning and not a performance standard These documents illustrated on this slide are the documents that provides the strategic guidance for MTS Recovery. MTSA 2002 – + Requires DHS to develop a plan for ensuring that the flow of cargo through United States ports is reestablished as efficiently and quickly as possible after a transportation security incident NSPD 41/HSPD 13 (Dec 04) + Requires DHS to develop comprehensive national maritime infrastructure recovery standards and a plan (the MIRP) Maritime Infrastructure Recovery Plan + One of the 8 supporting plans to the National Strategy for Maritime Security. + Contains procedures for recovery management and provides mechanisms for decision-makers to set priorities for redirecting commerce. +States that USCG COTPs have lead responsibility for determining re-opening of port facilities and movement of vessels following an emergency affecting a port community SAFE Port Act of 2006: +Requires DHS to develop a strategic plan to enhance the security of the international supply chain +Requires DHS to develop protocols for the resumption of trade in the event of a transportation disruption or a transportation security incident +Required Salvage Response Plan in AMSPs & made FMSC responsible for ensuring salvage ops conducted. Strategy to Enhance International Supply Chain Security (Jul 07) +States that following incidents of national significance that significantly disrupt the transportation system and/or commerce flow, the local level incident command structure must include a precise focus on infrastructure recovery and commerce resumption +Requires a Recovery Unit to be embedded within the Planning Section of the Incident Command organization. USCG Strategy for Maritime Safety, Security, and Stewardship (Mar 07) +CG will lead an integrated planning effort for responding to major disruptions in the MTS + CG will build resiliency in the MTS by: -Engaging the Private Sector -Establishing Government Roles -Developing recovery plans, policies and procedures at the local, regional and national levels Bottom Line: ENSURE MTS RECOVERY IS PROMINENT AMONG THE MANY CONSIDERATIONS IN AN INCIDENT RESPONSE. 3
Some Exceptions for Non Tank Vessels over 400 GT 33 CFR Part 155.5035 Requires a fire & salvage plan for all vessels carrying oil with a capacity between 250 and 2500 bbls. Only requires consent; no contract for resources Vessels w/ less than 250 bbls only plan for salvage; no fire & listing by consent only. These documents illustrated on this slide are the documents that provides the strategic guidance for MTS Recovery. MTSA 2002 – + Requires DHS to develop a plan for ensuring that the flow of cargo through United States ports is reestablished as efficiently and quickly as possible after a transportation security incident NSPD 41/HSPD 13 (Dec 04) + Requires DHS to develop comprehensive national maritime infrastructure recovery standards and a plan (the MIRP) Maritime Infrastructure Recovery Plan + One of the 8 supporting plans to the National Strategy for Maritime Security. + Contains procedures for recovery management and provides mechanisms for decision-makers to set priorities for redirecting commerce. +States that USCG COTPs have lead responsibility for determining re-opening of port facilities and movement of vessels following an emergency affecting a port community SAFE Port Act of 2006: +Requires DHS to develop a strategic plan to enhance the security of the international supply chain +Requires DHS to develop protocols for the resumption of trade in the event of a transportation disruption or a transportation security incident +Required Salvage Response Plan in AMSPs & made FMSC responsible for ensuring salvage ops conducted. Strategy to Enhance International Supply Chain Security (Jul 07) +States that following incidents of national significance that significantly disrupt the transportation system and/or commerce flow, the local level incident command structure must include a precise focus on infrastructure recovery and commerce resumption +Requires a Recovery Unit to be embedded within the Planning Section of the Incident Command organization. USCG Strategy for Maritime Safety, Security, and Stewardship (Mar 07) +CG will lead an integrated planning effort for responding to major disruptions in the MTS + CG will build resiliency in the MTS by: -Engaging the Private Sector -Establishing Government Roles -Developing recovery plans, policies and procedures at the local, regional and national levels Bottom Line: ENSURE MTS RECOVERY IS PROMINENT AMONG THE MANY CONSIDERATIONS IN AN INCIDENT RESPONSE. 4
Marine Fire Fighting Response Times At Pier (in hours) Inland Waters < 12 miles off shore Between 12 & 50 miles off shore Remote Assessment & Planning 1 On Site Assessment 2 6 12 External Fire Fighting Teams 4 8 Ext Fire Fighting Systems 18
Drills & Exercises A vessel Owner or Operator must conduct: Quarterly remote assessment exercises Annual Shore based salvage & marine fire fighting Table Top Exercises Annual Response Provider Equip Deployment Every 3 Years the entire plans must be exercised
Different Incidents – Different Roles Waterways and Incident Management (COTP/FOSC) Fire – Technical Advisor Pollution/Salvage
To What extent will the USCG be Involved? The USCG will become more involved as the incident increases in risk to the general public, adjacent facilities, vessels or the environment Will respond as resources are available & appropriate for the incident (may be the only ones capable of responding offshore) Will not put crew in danger nor give up operational control to another organization (e.g. orders will come from USCG w/ in IC/UC organization).
Specific USCG Marine Fire Assistance Obtain and assist reading fire control plans & vessel layout Provide vessel stability & structural integrity (Salvage Engineering Response Team) Water & Air Plume modeling for oil & Hazmat (NOAA) ID dangerous cargo via ship’s agent/owner/customs Control Vessel traffic Alert & order preventative action on adjacent facilities Plan for Vessel Salvage Plan for Pollution Response Act as Federal On Scene Coordinator between Fire Agency & vessel agents/owners/tugs/pilots
Transition After Extinguishment UC must agree on fire status and potential for reigniting USCG will respond to and manage any pollution to the water USCG will initiate investigation for root cause & possible personnel actions (may include Fire Marshal, NTSB, etc.) USCG will conduct damage assessment of the vessel
Where to find more: Northwest Are Contingency Plan , Chapter 8000, Sector Columbia River Marine Fire Fighting Contingency Plan