By: Vanessa, Joel, and Drew Emoji Maze By: Vanessa, Joel, and Drew
About our maze Our maze is emoji themed. We chose this theme because it would be fun and make an amazing maze. WIthin our maze we have an attraction. It’s a little emoji set up that’s really awesome to visit! In our maze we have 1 solution path and 15 dead end paths.In our maze we have 1 bridge that leads you to 1 other part of the maze. Our maze has a scale of 1:8 meters 2 and a perimeter of 640 meters we also have an area of 25,024 meters 2. Our maze meets all the requirements and is great FUN
Challenges we faced One challenge we faced was deciding a theme. We had one and even thought it over. We thought it was going to work but we did not know how to inquire it into our maze. When we decided on emojis it was because it looked good in the actual maze. Another bigger challenge was figuring out perimeter and our scale. Every thing we did was either too large or too small. But finally after our rough draft was done we found out a perfect area and perimeter.
Requirements Area: 25,024 meters 2 Perimeter: 640 meters 2 4 right triangles 3 acute triangles 3 obtuse triangles 5 equilateral triangles 3 circles 3 regular quadrilaterals 2 irregular quadrilaterals Scale 1:8 meters 2 We meet all other requirments
Why we chose our theme We chose our theme after a maze was already constructed with this theme. We chose Joel’s maze and when he designed it he gave it a emoji theme, we all liked it and so we changed our theme. It was world tourist spots and then it turned into emojis.
Images of our maze
Thank you!!!!! Thank you for listening to our presentation! We hope you enjoy and visit our maze soon!