WP2 Products in Mediterranean Sea EMODNET Chemistry 7th Steering Committee, SYKE, Helsinki, 7 June 2016 WP2 Products in Mediterranean Sea Sissy Iona, HCMR-HNODC
DIVA maps ec.oceanbrowser.net/emodnet sextant.ifremer.fr/en/web/emodnet_chemistry/catalogue
Aggregated data collections Data Buffer Water body total phosphorus Water body phosphate Water body ammonium Water body total nitrogen
Aggregated data collections Data Buffer Water body nitrate Water body nitrate plus nitrite Water body nitrite Water body silicate
Aggregated data collections Water body dissolved oxygen concentration Chl-a: aggregation not complete yet
QC on aggregated data Methodology for data QA/QC and DIVA products (2015) http://www.emodnet-chemistry.eu/documents.html Observations Broad range control checks: High values Default not null values Negatives Zero values Duplications checks No Spikes detection was applied No N:P ratio Interpolated data Comparison with spatially averaged profiles
Further QC For each region, mean vertical profiles on the vertical levels of the DIVA analysis arecomputed Values outside the “mean ± 3 stdev” were rejected Very extremes values (mainly coastal) are excluded in this way
Common format errors Scripts to correct these are available ERROR: Header Line. 'Depth[m]' is not in the semantic header. Cannot import this variable. Scripts to correct these are available
Format errors/possible cause There are format errors in the harvested data Make sure you use the the “Import > SeaDataNet Formats” option to validate the SDN format and not the “Import > ODV Spreadsheet” “Import > ODV Spreadsheet” will not detect wrong P01 terms, mismatches between semantic and column headers, etc Update the local odv txt files and inform MARIS for the corresponding CDIs updates Scripts to correct these are available
Issues with wrong units/P01 QC on Oxygen Issues with wrong units/P01
Glider Oxyg data with flag=2
Issues with the Instruments Oxygen-floats-west Med Although in P01 there is no info for uncalibrated sensors
East Med Chl-a West Med Chl-a
QC feedback loop Emails have been (will be) sent to Mediterranean cdi_partners and data originators for the results of the QC Your response is needed to: correct the sources and Not exclude your data for the products
Influence of coastal data
Influence of coastal data Usage of variable Correlation Length depending on the depth in the next updates
Contaminants/Work so far 330 P01 terms in water profiles => 90 P35 terms => 60 missing units conversions 232 P01 terms in sediment => 44 P35 terms => 9 missing units conversions 424 P01 terms in time series 54 P35 terms List of missing units conversions were sent to Reiner but not the conversions factors New P35 in SDN-BODC vocabs => aggregation will be repeated