St Peter’s CE Primary School What does St Peter’s CE Primary School offer children and young people with SEND?
How does the school know if I need extra help? If you need extra help with your work your teacher will know from marking your work, the assessments you do and from talking to you and other adults you work with. If you need extra help with how you are feeling your teacher may know because of the way you are behaving or looking, things that your friends or family may have told them or through talking to you.
What should I do if I think I need extra help? If you think that you may need extra help the first thing you should do is talk to someone. This could be your class teacher, a TA or some one else in school.
How will my school work be organised to meet my individual needs? School tries to make the work at the right level for all the children. Not too easy but not too hard – just challenging enough to make it interesting! It could be that the level of work you are getting is not right so we may need to change that. We may need to make sure that you have someone there to make sure that you know what you are doing and support you if you are having difficulties. It could be that we may need to go over the work with you again either in a small group or on your own. We may need to give you some extra resources to help you with your learning.
How will I be involved in planning for my needs? We try to organise reviews with all children to talk about their progress and at these reviews it will be your opportunity to talk about how you are getting on. However, if you are having problems it is important that you speak out. If you think that you are not being listened to talk to your parents who will come and talk to us or, talk to a member of staff that you get on well with or, talk to Mrs Hayden.
discussed with you and are written in your books. Who will tell me what I can do to help myself and be more independent? How will I know if I am doing as well as I should be? Your targets should be discussed with you and are written in your books. When teachers mark your books, the feedback that they give you is very important and you need to try and follow it. If you don’t understand what they want you to do - ask them. We all want you to do well!
worried about my school work? What should I do if I am worried about my school work? How can I get help if I am worried about things other than my school work? The most important thing that you can do if you have something that is worrying you is to talk to someone you can trust. This might be a friend, your parents or an adult at school. Depending on what it is you tell them they will help you find the right support. We have people in school or can find the right people to help you with what ever problem you have. The best way to sort out a problem is to recognise it and seek help before it becomes to big . Children can speak to any member of staff in school. The School Learning Mentor is also available to speak to pupils when required.
In our school we don’t want anyone Who can I talk to about getting involved in student activities if I need extra help? How will I know who can help me? If I have a disability or additional need how can I join in school activities? In our school we don’t want anyone to miss out on anything. The only time this would happen would be if we felt that your behaviour may be dangerous to yourself or other children. We want you to be able to join in any club offered to you and go on any visit that is available to you. We will try to make sure that we sort out any problem that there may be before we go on the visit and support you in an appropriate way. Children can speak to any member of staff in school. The School Learning Mentor is also available to speak to pupils when required. We have a full range of inclusive activities to access at St. Peter's
How will I be prepared to move onto the next stage of my school life? Every year we have three special transition weeks when you find out who your teacher is and who else will be supporting you with your work. The teachers have spent a lot of time putting classes together and talking to each other to make sure that they know all about you and what you need. Your parents will be invited in during this week and they can talk to your new teacher if they have any worries. When you have settled in, during the first half term there will be a parents’ meeting when any extra things we need to do to help you will be talked about with you and your parents. If you have a special person or resources that support you they will usually move class with you. The school has close links with secondary schools, colleges as well as companies for the children to learn about future education and employment.
What about if I am moving school? If you are moving to another school it will depend on which school you are going to as to how much transition time they provide. However if we think that you may need extra support during the move to your new school we will have talked very early to your new teachers We will organise extra visits with a member of staff from St Peter’s and we will make sure that they understand any problems or difficulties you have and how we support you so that they can do the same.