Social Network Strategy Quality Assurance Evaluation Tool Hope Zewou, MPH CBA Specialist Steven Fernandez, MPH
Latino Commission on AIDS A Non-for Profit organization founded in 1990 to fight HIV/AIDS in at-risk communities nationwide. Services in more than 49 States, Puerto Rico & the Virgin Islands. Long demonstrated history of building national, regional and local coalition. Five core areas: Hispanic Behavioral Research Center HIV Prevention & Health Promotion Capacity Building Assistance (CHANGE approach) HIV Testing and Access to Care Health Policy & Community Mobilization
Capacity Building Assistance CBA Service Provision High Impact Testing Stigma Mapping, Targeted Testing, Recruitment, Social Marketing, CHTC, SNS, and more. Prevention with Positives Cultural Humility, Addressing Stigma, Linkage and Re-engagement in Care, CLEAR, and more. Organizational Development and Management Understanding and Managing Burnout, Strategic Planning, Board Development, Grant Writing, and more. Our Values: Sex Positivity, Multiculturalism, Innovation, Critical Thinking, and Health Equity. 3 3
Objectives By the end of the workshop, participants will have an increase knowledge on Social Network Strategy Quality Assurance Tool to facilitate an effective implementation of SNS and enhance recruitment skills necessary for programming.
Group Activity:
Social Network Strategy Based on the underlying principles that people in the same social network share the same risks and risk behaviors for HIV. In addition, people in the same social network know and trust each other and can exert influence on each other. Strategy is identifying and connecting with high risk participants and asking them to engage those who are in their network(s). Social Network Strategy at Effective Interventions -
Social Network Strategy Status Unknown Recruiters Flashing Red = HIV+ Network Associates
Hands United Newly Developed SNS Quality Assurance and Evaluation tool. Goal: To provide guidance on the elements and steps that are part of SNS.
How to use the tool to Evaluate SNS’ Implementation Steps
For the Planning Phase Attend SNS training Identify priority population Population Segmentation Define “High Risk” Recruitment plan for SNS recruiters In-house Case management Flyers Testing programs
In the tool, the If…then when planning YES Did you enlist recruiters? Have you defined your HIGH RISK priority population? Have you developed a plan to find recruiters who have access to priority population? NO PLANNING: Yellow (Planning): illustrates the second most important step to implementing SNS; defining and recruiting your priority population. Defining your program’s high risk population is the first step in the development of a recruitment plan that incorporates targeted testing and the Social Network Strategy (SNS). POPULATION SEGMENTATION IS KEY! We recommend engaging in a brainstorming exercise with the goal of narrowing down your priority (target) population into smaller segments based on the predisposing characteristics including demographics, attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, values, needs, and enabling resources that might be placing these different segments of the population at-risk of HIV. Having smaller, well-defined segments of the population you are to reach will help with the development of a targeted recruitment and testing strategy/plan.
Recruitment of Seeds
Recruiters Enlistment Recruiters Fit Criteria HIV positive Evaluate risk – Engage in treatment vs not in treatment HIV negative high risk Individuals On PrEP or Not PrEP Fit or have access to the priority population identified for SNS Part of a network that engage in or exhibit high risk behaviors
If challenges occur when recruiting “recruiters” SNS TRAINING The SNS manual provides resources and tools that are helpful in the development of an SNS recruitment strategy. The manual also defines key concepts, e.g. SNS social networks; information, and guidance on the elements and steps that are part of this public health strategy, such as the role of orientation session, and coaching sessions. Hence, this color means you are to refer to the manual and or training you received on SNS. Red (SNS Training): illustrates essential SNS components and concepts and when to refer to the manual and tools. Getting trained on SNS is the first and most important step!
Implementation Phase Orientation Recruiting Network Associates Coaching Sessions HIV testing Evaluation
Orientation Program expectations Willing to recruit high risk members (Network Associate, (NA)) from their Networks Willing to attend coaching sessions Consent
Recruitment of Network Associates (NAs)
Coaching Sessions Coaching is provided for the recruiters to: Understand steps toward screening Network Associates (NAs) that fit the program, A separate coaching session for each NA, Identify “High Risk” NAs; and Discuss how to recruit and influence NAs for HIV testing.
HIV Testing SNS is completed when a recruiter refers a qualified NA to receive an HIV test under SNS-Testing program.
In the tool, the If…then when implementing IMPLEMENTING SNS In this “Quality Assurance Evaluation Tool for SNS,” key steps that are directly linked to the effective implementation of this public health strategy are color coded as follows: Green: asks questions related to the implementation of SNS. Responses to each question – either YES or NO – prompts you to the next step to follow, facilitating the quick monitoring of your SNS strategy.
If challenges occur during Implementation… SNS TRAINING The SNS manual provides resources and tools that are helpful in the development of an SNS recruitment strategy. The manual also defines key concepts, e.g. SNS social networks; information, and guidance on the elements and steps that are part of this public health strategy, such as the role of orientation session, and coaching sessions. Hence, this color means you are to refer to the manual and or training you received on SNS. Red (SNS Training): illustrates essential SNS components and concepts and when to refer to the manual and tools. Getting trained on SNS is the first and most important step!
The Tool altogether…
Group Activity
Final Comments or Questions? Aug-18 Final Comments or Questions?
Capacity Building Assistance For Assistance on Social Network Strategy (SNS), reach out to us Hands United Latino Commission on AIDS 24 West 25th Street, 9th Floor New York, NY 10010 212-675-3288 25 25
Thank you!