Year Two Miss R Tembey Miss L Broughton


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Presentation transcript:

Year Two Miss R Tembey Miss L Broughton Miss M Turner Mr G Collinson Miss J Gilberthorpe

Changes Move from Year 1 to Year 2 Change in room Strong Christian Ethos continues throughout school. Commitment to learning continues More responsibilities – Music and hall monitors for Collective Worship; Library monitors; Paired reading with younger children

Year 2 timetable of topics. Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Topics India Toys Fire, Fire! Dragons Knights and Castles Australia Texts Enormous Crocodile. Charlotte’s Webb The tunnel Traction Man Christmasaurus The Great Fire of London! The Sheep-Pig The Dragon Machine Pete’s Dragon Dragons at crumbling castle and other stories Knight in training: Dragons Can’t swim The Borrowers Journey to the centre of the earth The Enchanted Wood. Special Events Harvest Visit / Visitors Christmas Visit Easter SATS Summer Concert

Maths Continue to work on all areas of Maths: -counting, -partitioning, and calculation, - measure, -data handling, -shape, -number facts, Mental maths and times tables Mental strategies Recording work Parents workshops

English This half term we have started with talking about ourselves and will look at The Enormous Crocodile. This year we will be covering many different genres and audiences but our main focus will be on creating confident fluent writers. Handwriting – practice everyday following the Martin Harvey Model Presentation in all subjects will be celebrated. Children record in red lined books using their handwriting skills. English will be text based looking at vocabulary, and understanding of the text. All texts will be linked to the topic.

SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Daily phonics lessons and reinforced during handwriting sessions. SPaG lessons to cover sentence construction, introducing the language nouns, verbs, adjectives, punctuation Using the correct terminology with the children so they are exposed to the correct language Sending home SPaG activities that link to the lessons. Continue with Read Write Inc throughout school.

Cracking Comprehension and Read Write Inc. Children will be put into groups following the work they did in Year 1 according to their phonics ability. Cracking comprehension is an online program which encourages high quality questioning. Read Write Inc is an intervention prior to Cracking Comprehension. Comprehensions skills learnt are linked with core stories and text based literacy lessons. Love for reading! Children to bring their reading books everyday! Children to change own reading books any day but please write in their reading records every time you listen to your child read. Children can read their book more than once and also can read books from home and record them down too. Expectation is to read at least 3 times a week and reading records will be checked weekly. We will listen to children read regularly in school and write in their reading records.

Assessments Assessments will continue throughout the year. Within the class they also know their writing and maths targets to help them with their learning. There will be continued assessments to maintain teaching at the correct level and ensure progress in children’s learning. Official SATs will be in May – no holidays during this month. Parents evenings about SATs and maths workshops will be held at later dates. All marking will be done with the children so they have immediate feedback and intervention if and when needed.

O’track In Year 1 your child already moved over and are working towards achieving the year group ARE (Age Related Expectation) Parents progress letters throughout the year Continual assessment

Homework Spellings will be from the Year 1 and Year 2 Common Exception words. They will be practiced in class and at home with regular spelling checks. Spelling will be child led to develop independence. Maths homework will be based on the learning we have covered in the week within our maths lessons. Any problems … come and see us! Homework will go out every Monday to be returned the following Monday and will be Maths or Literacy alternated. English homework will be left for the children to create something of interest to them, They will receive a topic title with some ideas, but we want the children to be as creative as they can be. Let their imaginations run wild! Although there is only one type of homework each week, expectations are that they are completed to the best of the children’s ability and handed in on time. Active learn.

Parental Support Attendance and support Dojo Points Stickers Class treats Listening to readers Classroom support Friends of Travis Parent Forum Help on school trips After school clubs

Uniform Name in everything please! PE kit both indoor and outdoor to be brought in on a Monday and then home on a Friday. PE days are generally Tuesday and Friday, but could be times when these days change. School bag to keep letters , reading books and homework in. Labelled water bottles everyday and sun hats in the summer! Coat / water proof jacket every day - you know our beautiful British weather!

Open door policy This continues throughout the school including the head teacher! Notice boards are used for what we are doing. Any issues please see the class teacher. The best times are after school but can make appointments before if essential. The classroom diary can also be used to write down who is picking your child up or any questions.

Extra-curricular activities Visits and visitors Clubs – Easter craft club, football, hockey, gardening, big sing, Christmas craft club, film club Responsibilities – School council, eco-crew, Collective worship monitors, library monitors E-Safety Lunch time and play ground leaders

Thank you! Thank you for your support. Just being here shows you value your child’s school and the work we do together.