Welcome to Insert Course Title/Number Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade Welcome to Insert Course Title/Number
Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade Aufmann/Barker/Lockwood, eCompanion for Intermediate Algebra with Applications, 7th Edition is your required textbook You can get a better grade by using these course materials. You will be assigned reading and homework from these materials. You will be tested on content from these materials. Study tools, including free study tools, designed to help you study smarter (not harder) are available at CengageBrain.com.
WHERE TO BUY YOUR REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade WHERE TO BUY YOUR REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS Bookstore Aufmann/Barker/Lockwood, eCompanion for Intermediate Algebra with Applications 7th Edition bundled with EWA is available for $X at your college store 2. CengageBrain.com Choose the format and price options that work best for you. CengageBrain.com offers Textbook and Bundle Rentals, eTextbooks, individual eChapters and even free study tools. Go to www.CengageBrain.com and search by ISBN: 1-439-04696-4