What’s Meant By: Forgive Us Our Sins…? Catechism Questions 358-362 October 8, 2017
What Is Prayer? Prayer is gift from God where I can talk to him about anything that’s on my mind.
What’s Meant By: Hallowed Be Your Name? God’s name is hallowed (kept holy) when I speak and live according to God’s Word.
What’s Meant By: Your Kingdom Come? I ask that God will strengthen my faith and bring many other people to faith in Jesus.
What’s Meant By: Your Will Be Done…? I ask that God will help me to do his will rather than the will of the devil, world, and my sinful flesh.
What’s Meant By: Give Us Today…? I ask God to graciously provide for my bodily needs day by day.
What’s Meant By: Forgive Us Our Sins…?
Joseph Forgives His Brothers Genesis 50:15-21
Why did the brothers appeal to their dead father for Joseph to forgive them? They had done lots of bad things. People wouldn’t expect Joseph to forgive them. Why did Joseph forgive his brothers? Joseph saw how God used their evil for good. Joseph forgive them out of love for God.
Isaiah 59:2,3; Romans 6:23a
What is true of me because of my sins? Because of my sins, I am not worthy to have God hear my prayers. All I deserve from him is death.
Joseph Forgives His Brothers Genesis 50:15-21
Psalm 51:1-3
What am I asking for when I pray for forgiveness? I am asking that God would graciously cancel the debt of all my sins and hear my prayers.
Joseph Forgives His Brothers Genesis 50:15-21
Matthew 18:21-35
How do I show my thanks for God’s forgiveness? God’s gracious forgiveness moves me to forgive and do good to others who sin against me.
Joseph Forgives His Brothers Genesis 50:15-21
To forgive means to forget. If someone keeps sinning against you, then you don’t need to keep forgiving them.
What’s Meant By: Forgive Us Our Sins…? I ask God to graciously cancel my sins and to lead me to forgive and do good to other people.
What’s Meant By: Forgive Us Our Sins…? Catechism Questions 358-362 October 8, 2017