What Can I Be Sure Of In Prayer? Catechism Questions 373-376 October 29, 2017
What Is Prayer? Prayer is gift from God where I can talk to him about anything that’s on my mind.
What’s Meant By: Hallowed Be Your Name? God’s name is hallowed (kept holy) when I speak and live according to God’s Word.
What’s Meant By: Your Kingdom Come? I ask that God will strengthen my faith and bring many other people to faith in Jesus.
What’s Meant By: Your Will Be Done…? I ask that God will help me to do his will rather than the will of the devil, world, and my sinful flesh.
What’s Meant By: Give Us Today…? I ask God to graciously provide for my bodily needs day by day.
What’s Meant By: Forgive Us Our Sins…? I ask God to graciously cancel my sins and to lead me to forgive and do good to other people.
What’s Meant By: Lead Us Not…? I ask God to help me so I am not overcome by temptations that might lead me to sin.
What’s Meant By: But Deliver Us…? I ask God to bring me safely through all the hardships of life until he takes me to heaven.
What Can I Be Sure Of In Prayer?
Stephen’s Stoning Acts 7:54-60
What did Stephen pray about when he was being stoned? Stephen prayed to be with God in heaven. Why could Stephen be sure of what he prayed for? Stephen knew God would hear his prayer as a loving parent listens to their child.
Revelation 22:20,21
What do I mean when I say “Amen” at the end of my prayer? By saying “Amen,” I am expressing the certainty that my prayer has been heard and will be answered for my eternal good.
Stephen’s Stoning Acts 7:54-60
Philippians 4:6
Matthew 6:31-33
Romans 11:35,36
Why can I be sure my prayer will be acceptable to God? I know that my prayer is acceptable to God because he commanded me to pray and because I am praying for his kingdom and his glory.
Stephen’s Stoning Acts 7:54-60
Matthew 7:7,8
Ephesians 3:20,21
What will God do with my prayer? God will certainly hear my prayer and answer it.
Stephen’s Stoning Acts 7:54-60
A person should only say “Amen” at the end of prayer and nowhere else. If an unbeliever prays the Lord’s Prayer, it will be acceptable to God.
What Can I Be Sure Of In Prayer? I say that I am sure God will hear and answer my prayer because I am his dear child through faith.
What Can I Be Sure Of In Prayer? Catechism Questions 373-376 October 29, 2017