Before Graduating Grade 12 Students Must…… Review your credit counselling summary report for graduation requirements. Speak with your TA or guidance counsellor. You need…. 30 credits by June 29th, 2018. If you won’t have 30 credits, then you need to meet with your guidance counsellor to make plans. 40 hours of community service before May 31st, 2018. Go to,, for some ideas of where you can volunteer. Successful completion of the OSSLT or OLC4O1 Literacy Course by June 29th, 2018. Successful completion of the Grade 12 Religion course by June 29th, 2018 not in the summer, in order to participate in the June 2018 Graduation Ceremony. *If there are discrepancies, please book an appointment to see your guidance counsellor as soon as possible.
Compulsory and Elective credits earned need to add to 30 These are your compulsory credits – need to total 18 by the end of June 2018.
Pathways College University World of Work Gap Year Apprenticeship
Ontario College of Trades The website provides young people with simple, plain language steps on how to begin an apprenticeship in Ontario, as well as a summary of the benefits offered by a career in the skilled trades.
University -
eINFO Your starting point for researching Ontario's universities. You can use eINFO to find information about university programs, admission requirements, scholarships, residence, and much more.
University – Important Dates Early November 2017 - Go over how to complete your on-line application, grade 12s attend application seminars January 17th, 2018 – Deadline for Ontario high school students to submit completed applications to the OUAC February 6th, 2018 - Recommended last date to change information on application June 1st, 2018 – The earliest date an Ontario high school student may be required to respond to an Ontario university offer of admission and give a financial commitment.
University – Important Information Be aware of the application procedure. Students do not apply to the Universities directly. You apply on-line through the OUAC (Ontario University Application Centre). There is a $150 non-refundable application fee. It is strongly recommended that this payment is made with a credit card. $150 covers the cost for 3 university program choices. You may apply to additional programs. Each additional choice is $50. *NEW for 2018- Applicants pay for all program choices. If an applicant withdraws a choice and replaces it with a new choice, the new choice will incur a charge The only excepetion is if an applicant withdraws a choice and adds a new choice or re-adds the original choice at the same university.
College -
College There are different programs at colleges that are available for you to apply to - Certificate Programs - Certificate programs require the completion of two semesters (or one year) of study, as approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. Diploma Programs - Regular diploma programs require the completion of at least four semesters (or two years) of study, as approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. An advanced diploma is granted after six semesters (three years) of study. Degree Programs- Four-year college degree programs offer the best of both worlds: a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge and the practical skills to apply this knowledge in the real world.
Collaborative & Joint Degree Programs - Collaborative programs are offered jointly by a college and a partnering university. Students may earn either one or two credentials-one from the college and/or one from the university. Co-op Programs - Co-op programs include scheduled periods of employment in related industries within the academic year. These placements are typically paid positions and may be a requirement for graduation. Apprenticeship Programs - An apprenticeship enables you to learn a skilled trade on the job, under the supervision of an experienced tradesperson. The classroom component of apprenticeship training may be taken through an Ontario college apprenticeship program.
College – Important Dates Early November 2017 - Go over how to complete your on-line application, grade 12s attend application seminars February 1st, 2018 Equal consideration date - Apply on or before this date in order to receive equal consideration for admission to programs starting the following fall. February 1st, 2018 - This is the earliest date that colleges may begin to send offers of admission to programs for the upcoming academic year. May 1st, 2018 - You must confirm your acceptance to college. Mid June - The colleges require payment of a tuition deposit to secure your spot in your program.
Colleges – Important Information Be aware of the application procedure. Students do not apply to the Colleges directly. You apply on-line through OCAS (Ontario College Application Services in Guelph, Ontario). There is a $95 non-refundable application fee. It is strongly recommended that this payment is made with a credit card. $95 covers the cost for 5 college program choices. No more than 3 program choices from one specific college.
2017 COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY APPLICATION SEMINARS All seminars take place in the Computer Lab and are first come, first served (about 30 students /session). You may bring your own laptop. FRI NOV. 3RD PER 2 – College PER 3 - University WED. NOV. 8TH FRI. NOV. 10TH WED. NOV. 15TH THURS. NOV. 16TH PER 3 – University
Please connect with your son / daughter’s guidance counsellor if you have any questions. Thank you and have a great evening.