“Just Say Hi” Training Day Friday, November 17, 2017
Before We Begin… Use the pipe cleaners at your table to make a shape or item that represents a time when you made someone feel included in school or watched someone be included in school.
Deputy Chancellor Welcome Corinne Rello-Anselmi, Deputy Chancellor, Division of Specialized Instruction and Student Support, NYC Department of Education 15 minutes, 8:15-8:30, Corinne
Cerebral Palsy Foundation (CPF) Remarks Richard Ellenson, CEO, Cerebral Palsy Foundation https://www.dropbox.com/s/adb6q4hqb7qvz8z/JSH%20 Cutdown%20Final%20v1.mp4?dl=0 15 minutes, 8:30-8:45, Richard
Chancellor Address Carmen Fariña, Chancellor, NYC Department of Education 15 minutes, 8:45-9:00, Chancellor
Agenda 8:15-9:00 a.m. Deputy Chancellor, CPF, and Chancellor Welcoming Remarks 9:00-9:15 a.m. “Just Say Hi” Initiative 9:15-10:30 a.m. Cross-Curriculum Resource 10:30-10:45 a.m. Break 10:45-11:30 a.m. Professional Learning Supplement 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. School Support 12:00-1:00 p.m. Lunch 1:00-1:10 p.m. Family Engagement 1:10-1:20 p.m. “Just Say Hi” Kickoff in Schools 1:20-2:25 p.m. Planning and Collaboration 2:25-2:45 p.m. Reflection and Feedback 2:45-3:00 p.m. Closing Remarks 3 minutes, 9:00-9:03, Becky
Goals To understand the goals and objectives for the “Just Say Hi” initiative To dive into available “Just Say Hi” resources for students and staff To make a plan for launching and implementing “Just Say Hi” at your school To create a community committed to deepening and sharing inclusive practices and the understanding that disability is an aspect of diversity 2 minutes, 9:03-9:05, Becky
“Just Say Hi” Last Year Partnered with CPF 8 ambassador schools Created a cross-curriculum resource to get kids talking about disability, diversity, and inclusion Schools implemented the cross-curriculum resource, developed individual inclusion initiatives, and created video content 2 minutes, 9:05-9:07, Becky
“Just Say Hi” This Year Continued partnership with CPF 51 schools (community schools and Collaborative School Communities) Enhanced and increased our resources and supports Made connections with other DOE initiatives and events (Collaborative School Communities, Equity and Excellence, Inclusive Education Student Summit, Respect for All, National Inclusive Schools Week) 3 minutes, 9:07-9:10, Becky
School Agreement and Expectations 5 minutes, 9:10-9:15, Andrea
Cross-Curriculum Resource (CCR) Resource to help implement “Just Say Hi” initiative Unique focus on social model of disability 5 themes What is disability? Breaking down stereotypes The power of language Just say hi: Making connections Welcoming environments 75 minutes, 9:15-10:30, Sarah K. and Sarah E.
What is Disability?
What supports are built in? Background information Step-by-step instructions for activity Mentor texts
Breaking Down Stereotypes Theme Background Information Stereotypes are widely held but fixed and oversimplified ideas of a particular type of person or thing. Our brains want to categorize information and tend to come up with efficient ways to categorize people. This can result in using stereotypes to understand a whole group of people instead of seeking out information about each individual. Even people who think they don’t hold stereotypes often times have unconscious biases that come from information they’ve absorbed or experiences they’ve had.
Breaking Down Stereotypes: Activity Multi-modal activity Discussion of stereotypes at grade-appropriate level View video to increase awareness of initial assumptions Grade Range Activity K-2 Discussion, video, draw a picture 3-5 Discussion, video, write down “myths” and “facts” about people with disabilities 6-8 Didactics, comparison of still image and video, discussion 9-12
Myths and Facts About Me We’ve all had stereotypes applied to us. Think about a time when a stereotype impacted you. Draw a picture of yourself. Write “You might not know this from looking at me but ____________________.” Share your picture and the myth/fact about yourself with the group.
Debrief With the colleagues from your school, share how you could use this activity with students. Are there any adaptations that would need to be made to this activity in order for you to implement it effectively? What existing school structures support the implementation of this activity? Share with another group of colleagues (from another school), how you will use this activity. Be sure to ask about when and how the activity will be implemented! As a cross-school group, discuss what you are most excited about with either this activity or this resource.
10 Minute Break 15 minutes, 10:30-10:45, Becky
Professional Learning Supplement (PLS) Collection of activities designed to support school staff in deepening their understanding of disabilities. Provide school professionals with the opportunity to reflect, engage, and grow around the topics of disability, diversity, bias, and inclusion. Strengthen teacher facilitation of the “Just Say Hi” Cross-Curriculum Resource (CCR) for students. Build more inclusive school communities by targeting and supporting adults. 45 minutes, 10:45-11:30, Sarah K. and Sarah E.
Professional Learning Supplement (PLS) Activity When thinking about inclusive education, I can offer… When thinking about inclusive education, I need to know… When thinking about disability, I can offer.. When thinking about disability, I need to know…
Gallery Walk Find matches for your skill or gaps. NOTE: In schools, ask teachers to pair up with complementing gaps and skills.
Group Discussion What was your reaction to reading the boards? Are there any skills you already have that you hadn’t realized would be useful in inclusion? Are there any gap areas you didn’t know about (i.e. you don’t know what you don’t know)?
Debrief With the colleagues from your school, consider how you could use this activity with your staff. What existing school structures support the implementation of this activity with your staff? Share with another group of colleagues (from another school), how you will use this activity. Be sure to ask about when and how the activity will be implemented! As a cross-school group, discuss any challenges you might have in implementing this activity.
“Just Say Hi” In-School Support Who will visit and call your school to check on accomplishments, issues, etc.? What can you expect from your coach? What types of supports can your coach offer? How does this fit into what you’re already doing? Office of Inclusive Education, D75 Instructional Team, Special Education Office 10 minutes, 11:30-11:40, Holly and Ruchika
Online Portal An online portal on CPF’s website houses all available resources for the “Just Say Hi” initiative Website: http://yourcpf.org/jsh-doe/ Password: JSHDOE Resources are categorized by topic As new resources are developed and added to the online portal, participants will receive an email with a description and link 10 minutes, 11:40-11:50, Rachel
Lunch Please be back by 1pm sharp! 60 minutes, 12:00-1:00, Becky
Family Engagement Family engagement ideas and recommendations Family letter to send home Available on the online portal and in your folders 5 minutes, 11:50-11:55 OR 1:05-1:10, Shavonda and Ray
“Just Say Hi” Kickoff in Schools Thursday, December 7th (During National Inclusive Schools Week) Official kickoff of initiative in schools (introduce to students, hold event or assembly, start using resources, begin staff trainings and meetings, share with families, etc.) DOE Central or CPF visitor might come to capture highlights from kickoff and learn about your inclusive school practices Initiative will be shared in the media 10 minutes, 1:10-1:20, Becky and Rachel
How Will DOE Central Support Schools with Kickoff? Resources will be available on the online portal (PowerPoint to introduce initiative to students, facilitator guide to turnkey to staff, family engagement ideas and letter, etc.) Your school will be mailed 25 copies of the cross-curriculum resource, 200 wristbands, and 1 poster before kickoff An email with reminders and ideas will go out beforehand We would love to come visit, observe, see how you’re starting and sharing this work, talk about the inclusive practices you’re already doing, etc.
P.S. 46 Alley Pond 5 minutes, 1:20-1:25, Principal K.
Planning and Collaboration Time How will staff be trained on the cross-curriculum resource (CCR)? How and when will CCR lessons be delivered to students? When can the professional learning supplement (PLS) be used for staff? Who will lead PLS planning and delivery for staff? What will JSH kickoff at schools look like on December 7th? What needs to happen before the JSH kickoff at schools on December 7th? How do these resources align or fit into what you’re already doing (CSC, professional learning plan, other diversity and inclusion work, etc.)? When will these things happen (timeline)? Who will lead this work? What resources and supports do you need to implement these resources at your school? What limits or constraints do you have at your school that could challenge a successful rollout of this initiative? 60 minutes, 1:25-2:25, Becky
Reflection and Feedback Take the short feedback survey in your folder. What are the big takeaways from today’s training? What did you learn? What excites you? Do you have feedback for DOE Central? 20 minutes, 2:25-2:45, Becky and Rachel
Final Reminders Please take your folder with you and turn in your signed Agreement and Expectations Form and Feedback Survey You’ll receive an email with the online portal link and instructions to login You’ll receive a delivery with 25 copies of the cross- curriculum resource, 200 wristbands, and 1 poster before kickoff “Just Say Hi” kickoff at schools is Thursday, December 7th (introduce initiative to students, staff start using resources, maybe a visitor, etc.) Your coach will be in contact shortly Email JustSayHi@schools.nyc.gov with any questions 5 minutes, 2:45-2:50, Becky
Closing Remarks 10 minutes, 2:50-3:00, Corinne and Richard