Let’s WRAP about WELLNESS Joan Keenen, OSECE Trainer Created by Joan Keenen, OSECE
What is Wellness? Wellness to me is……… I define wellness in my life by…… When I think of wellness I see……. Created by Joan Keenen, OSECE
Wellness and HOPE On a daily basis I hold HOPE for WELLNESS…… Examples: Have passion for life Look forward to things Optimistic Have faith Anticipation Can other share how you recognize you are having hope for wellness? Created by Joan Keenen, OSECE
Personal Responsibility for Wellness On a daily basis I take personal responsibility for my wellness by…… Examples: Go to the gym Go for a run/walk Eat fruit, vegetables and protein Daily prayer, or meditation, positive affirmations What are some ways others take personal responsibility for wellness? Created by Joan Keenen, OSECE
Wellness Education I educate myself daily by……. Examples: Observations Reading GTS Try things out How do others educate themselves about wellness? Created by Joan Keenen, OSECE
My Right to Wellness I have the right to choose what I’m going to do for my wellness I have the right to choose wellness I have the right for choices and options about how I take care of wellness I have the right to…….. What do others have the right for wellness in their life……. Created by Joan Keenen, OSECE
Wellness Support I support my wellness on a daily basis by…. Examples: Meet-ups Regular check in with a friend or family Church Volunteering Taking a class Hobbies Created by Joan Keenen, OSECE
Wellness tools Tools I use in my plan for wellness Examples: Journaling with a friend Take a walk Listen to encouraging music Coloring Games and pictures on my phone What are some other wellness tools you have used to stay well or to help you get back to wellness….. Created by Joan Keenen, OSECE
Life Circumstances Triggers (things out of my control) happen daily that I have a reaction to Early warning signs are subtle signs of emotional change Things break down, everyone notices Created by Joan Keenen, OSECE
Crisis When things are bigger than just me! When I’m stuck and I can’t get out of it…… When I stuck in something that is creating less wellness in that moment…… Created by Joan Keenen, OSECE
Wellness After a Crisis Step by step Gradual Learn from the crisis and make a different plan Created by Joan Keenen, OSECE
That’s a WRAP on Wellness Questions Follow up Thank you Created by Joan Keenen, OSECE