Explanation Print this slide for each pupil Each pupil has a pen and the printed paper Pupils get a fixed time to walk around in the classroom and ask foreign pupils questions : aim is to find a pupil to whom the asked situation is applicable. If found the pupil notes the name of that pupil on his paper. When time is over the pupils stand in a circle and one by one each pupil explains one of his results to the group.
Find someone who…… …. Has a brother and a sister. Who ? Names : ….loves to do sports Who ? Which sport ? …has a boyfriend/ girlfriend. Who ? Name : ….is 13 years old. Who? …does not like McDonalds. Who ? …..does not like Christmas. Who ? …. Loves Rock- music. Who ? Favorite band ……. ….has Facebook . Who ? ….does not like soccer. Who ? ..... Has 2 grandfathers. Who? Age of the grandfathers ?