Big Rocks First. Little Rocks, Not At All.
Introduction The Three Big Rocks are…
Introduction The Three Big Rocks are… Leadership
Introduction The Three Big Rocks are… Leadership Vision
Introduction The Three Big Rocks are… Leadership Vision Execution
Which of the Big Rocks is most important? Introduction The Three Big Rocks are… Leadership Vision Execution Which of the Big Rocks is most important?
Which of the Big Rocks is most important? Introduction The Three Big Rocks are… Leadership Vision WHY? Execution Which of the Big Rocks is most important?
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting!
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP Everything rises and falls on leadership The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! Everything rises and falls on leadership
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP Everything rises and falls on leadership The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! Everything rises and falls on leadership Principle of the “Leadership Lid”… Nothing rises above its leadership
Three Key Functions the Leader Sets in the Organization Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! Three Key Functions the Leader Sets in the Organization 1. Direction
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! Direction A. Leadership should direct the organization more than circumstances.
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! Direction A. Leadership should direct the organization more than circumstances. B. Leadership is moving the organization to a better state.
Three Key Functions the Leader Sets in the Organization Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! Three Key Functions the Leader Sets in the Organization 1. Standards
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! 2. Standards A. The second job of leadership is to set the standards. The first job of leadership is to meet the standards!
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! 2. Standards A. The second job of leadership is to set the standards. The first job of leadership is to meet the standards! In every organization on earth, the leader has a higher standard.
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! 2. Standards A. The second job of leadership is to set the standards. The first job of leadership is to meet the standards! In every organization on earth, the leader has a higher standard. In every organization the leader sets the standards.
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP 2. Standards B. Commitment is premium! The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! 2. Standards B. Commitment is premium!
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! 2. Standards B. Commitment is premium! Failure we can accept; apathy we cannot!
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! 2. Standards B. Commitment is premium! Failure we can accept; apathy we cannot! “There are only two options regarding commitment: You’re either in or you’re out. There’s no such thing as life in between.” - Coach Pat Riley
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! 2. Standards B. Commitment is premium! You can’t be anything unless you are first committed!
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! 2. Standards B. Commitment is premium! You can’t be anything unless you are first committed! Competency we want; commitment we need!
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! 2. Standards C. You can’t build a great Sunday School with uncommitted leaders! There is no such thing as commitment unless your personal convenience and comfort is jeopardized!
Three Key Functions the Leader Sets in the Organization Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! Three Key Functions the Leader Sets in the Organization 1. Atmosphere
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! 3. Atmosphere A. Let’s state the obvious: We are in the people business.
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! 3. Atmosphere A. Let’s state the obvious: We are in the people business. B. Leaders need to create an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and friendliness.
Big Rock #1: LEADERSHIP 3. Atmosphere The SPLASH from Big Rock #1 Our leadership is perfectly designed to produce the results we are getting! 3. Atmosphere C. Three Key Practices for leaders: Speak, Smile & Touch. These Three Key Practices position your people and your organization in an environment conducive for peak performance.
Big Rock #2: VISION The SPLASH from Big Rock #2 In the absence of a clearly defined vision, people perform daily acts of trivia!
Big Rock #2: VISION Our vision is to be God-given! (Habakkuk 2:1-2) The SPLASH from Big Rock #2 In the absence of a clearly defined vision, people perform daily acts of trivia! Our vision is to be God-given! (Habakkuk 2:1-2)
Big Rock #2: VISION The SPLASH from Big Rock #2 In the absence of a clearly defined vision, people perform daily acts of trivia! 2. The vision of Sunday School is set forth from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 4:23, 9:35, 28:18-20) Jesus is the leader, so He sets the vision/direction.
Big Rock #2: VISION The SPLASH from Big Rock #2 In the absence of a clearly defined vision, people perform daily acts of trivia! 3. The three tasks of Sunday School are the same tasks as undertook by Jesus. A. Reach People
Big Rock #2: VISION The SPLASH from Big Rock #2 In the absence of a clearly defined vision, people perform daily acts of trivia! 3. The three tasks of Sunday School are the same tasks as undertook by Jesus. A. Reach People B. Teach People
Big Rock #2: VISION The SPLASH from Big Rock #2 In the absence of a clearly defined vision, people perform daily acts of trivia! 3. The three tasks of Sunday School are the same tasks as undertook by Jesus. A. Reach People B. Teach People C. Minister to People
Big Rock #2: VISION The SPLASH from Big Rock #2 In the absence of a clearly defined vision, people perform daily acts of trivia! 3. The three tasks of Sunday School are the same tasks as undertook by Jesus. A. Reach People B. Teach People C. Minister to People Our problem: We are more committed to our fellowship than to our vision!
Big Rock #2: VISION The SPLASH from Big Rock #2 In the absence of a clearly defined vision, people perform daily acts of trivia! 4. Leaders must think transcendently before they think tactically.
Big Rock #2: VISION The SPLASH from Big Rock #2 In the absence of a clearly defined vision, people perform daily acts of trivia! 5. Everything the leader does moves toward the vision!
Big Rock #2: VISION The SPLASH from Big Rock #2 In the absence of a clearly defined vision, people perform daily acts of trivia! 6. The leader’s God-given vision is to be his constant focus and passion.
Big Rock #2: VISION The SPLASH from Big Rock #2 In the absence of a clearly defined vision, people perform daily acts of trivia! 6. The leader’s God-given vision is to be his constant focus and passion. Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated!
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific!
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 1. Execution is intentional. The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 1. Execution is intentional.
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 1. Execution is intentional. The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 1. Execution is intentional. A. Hope is not a strategy.
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 1. Execution is intentional. The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 1. Execution is intentional. A. Hope is not a strategy. “Good intentions alone are no better than no intentions unless you get intentional about your good intentions!” (Allan Taylor, Sunday School in HD, pg. 20)
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 1. Execution is intentional. The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 1. Execution is intentional. A. Hope is not a strategy. “Good intentions alone are no better than no intentions unless you get intentional about your good intentions!” (Allan Taylor, Sunday School in HD, pg. 20) B. Without execution, great vision is rendered useless chatter.
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 2. Execution is result-oriented. The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 2. Execution is result-oriented.
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 2. Execution is result-oriented. The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 2. Execution is result-oriented. A. No matter how wonderful the vision, one must occasionally look at the results!
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 2. Execution is result-oriented. The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 2. Execution is result-oriented. A. No matter how wonderful the vision, one must occasionally look at the results! “One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.” (Martin Friedman, 1912-2006)
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 3. Execution is specific. The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 3. Execution is specific.
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 3. Execution is specific. The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 3. Execution is specific. A. At some point our aspiration must turn to perspiration!
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 3. Execution is specific. The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 3. Execution is specific. A. At some point our aspiration must turn to perspiration! B. Machines beat Campaigns every time.
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 3. Execution is specific. The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 3. Execution is specific. A. At some point our aspiration must turn to perspiration! B. Machines beat Campaigns every time. Leaders don’t get what they want; they get what they execute!
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 4. Execution is narrow. The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 4. Execution is narrow.
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 4. Execution is narrow. The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 4. Execution is narrow. Many activities equal mini-accomplishments! Remember, if you chase two rabbits both will escape!
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 5. Vision – Execution = NO Results The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 5. Vision – Execution = NO Results
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 5. Vision – Execution = NO Results The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 5. Vision – Execution = NO Results Execution – Systems/Structures = NO Results
Big Rock #3: EXECUTION 5. Vision – Execution = NO Results The SPLASH from Big Rock #3 Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific! 5. Vision – Execution = NO Results Execution – Systems/Structures = NO Results Vision + Execution + Systems/ Structures = GREAT Results
The Sunday School Strategy Grid PURPOSE Reach People Teach People Minister to People PERSONNEL Outreach Leader Teacher Care Group Leaders STRUCTURE 10 minutes 30 minutes 20 minutes SYSTEMS 1st & 3rd Sundays: MTV 2nd Sunday: Testimony 4th Sunday: SMP Allow Apprentice Teacher to Teach Every 4-6 Weeks Take Attendance Assign Absentee Contacts Discuss Ministry Needs Prayer Requests
The Compass & The Clock Leaders should know their Compass – that is, their direction. The Compass is a Vision thing.
The Compass & The Clock 2. Leaders should know their Clock – that is, how to use their time. The Clock is a Execution thing.
The Compass & The Clock 3. A good Compass combined with a poor Clock equals no accomplishment. A good Clock combined with a poor Compass equals accomplishing the wrong thing.
The Compass & The Clock 4. The Compass is a Destiny thing. The Clock is a Daily thing.
of these two instruments! The Compass & The Clock 5. Leadership with Vision (Compass) and Execution (Clock) is destined for success! Success is the wise use of these two instruments!
TAKE-AWAYS Going forward, what one thing will you do in the area of leadership? Going forward, what one thing will you do in the area of vision? 3. Going forward, what one thing will you do in the area of execution?
Big Rocks First. Little Rocks, Not At All.