Populating the earth 6.4 Evaluate the climatic changes and human modification of the physical environment that gave rise to the domestication of plants and animals and new sources of clothing and shelter.
Around 8,000 years ago a new way of providing food emerged Around 8,000 years ago a new way of providing food emerged. This revolutionary advancement was that of farming. Instead of hunting and gathering food from the environments where they lived, humans learned to simply grow their own food. Grains such as wheat, barley, rice and corn were grown in different parts of the world. Wild animals were also domesticated. Goats were utilized for their meat and milk, cattle, pigs and chickens provided a steady source of food for the support of a group of humans.
With the advent of farming and domesticated animals to feed a society, life became much easier for early humans. As a result, many more humans survived the difficulties of life. The population quickly rose, thus allowing for more industries to develop.
Farming allowed people to build villages along rivers, or wherever the ground was fertile enough for crops to grow. Archeologists have found some villages that are believed to have been built more than 8,000 years ago. Some of these ancient villages, such as Jericho, still survive to this day.
With an abundance of food and more permanent shelters, people had more time to devote to the development of new technologies. Better farming equipment, such as the ox-driven plow, were invented. The wheel aided humans greatly in transporting goods from one location to another. The loom allowed people to weave cloth and create finer and more comfortable clothing.
People learned improved farming techniques, such as how to use fertilizers in their fields, and how to better utilize water through irrigation. Villagers dug large canals and complex systems of ditches, delivering water from distant sources to where it was most needed.
Think of a job that would be needed during this time period Think of a job that would be needed during this time period. Write two full paragraphs (at least 20 sentences) explaining your job and what you do to help the society. Include your responsibilities, would you have help, when and where would you do your job, how this helps the community be productive.