Opportunities for further involvement Physical Activity Roles
Lesson objectives All – Identify all of the Physical Activity roles. Most – Explain what each role consists of Some - Analyse what qualities are needed to be effective in a particular role (official).
WHAT ROLES ARE THERE IN SPORT???? On your mini white board try and think of at least 3 different roles!! 1. 2. 3. Watch the video clips, can you spot any?
Task In groups of 5/6, try to define the role assigned to you. What qualities do you need to be effective at that role? Can you explain their job i.e. as an official or choreographer or performer?
Player/Performer Primarily concerned with developing the ability to make effective plans to improve performance. Player- football, netball, basketball etc… Performer – Dance, gymnastics An improvement in skills, tactics and techniques.
Organiser This role involves bringing together all the main ingredients at the right time, in the right place, in order to maximise promotion. Participation and high quality performance. Be competent in managing and organising available facilities, time, personnel and even funds at times, and be able to cope with a large range of duties and responsibility.
Leader/Coach This is a specialist in an activity, responsible for preparing a player in skill acquisition, correct technique, physical or mental states. They need good communication skills and have knowledge of different leadership styles.
Choreographer This involves being the designer or arranger of some sort of staged dance, ballet, gymnastic display or other performance. It applies specifically to exploring and communicating ideas, concepts and emotions.
Official This is someone who controls the activity, interprets the rules, laws or regulations of the activity and checks equipment e.g. Referee/umpire Judge Marshall/steward Scorer/timekeeper/recorder.
Plenary Speed dating. Number 1’s talk about player/performer. Number 2’s talk about official No. 1’s talk about choreographer. No. 2’s talk about coach/leader.
FURTHER INVOLVEMENT The level of involvement and the complexity of an activity increases as you get older and more experienced. For example, simple throwing and catching learnt at Key Stage 1 becomes a game of rounders at Key Stage 4.
FURTHER INVOLVEMENT Simple skills Complex skills Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4