Developed by New York State United Teachers Ensuring Success for English Language Learners: What Parents Should Know Developed by New York State United Teachers Session Materials: Session Technology: Ensuring Success for ELLs Laptop Parent Guide to hand out Projector and screen Wi-Fi or Internet connectivity Resources: PowerPoint with Presenter Notes Bookmarks in Spanish (if applicable) Online Resources: NYSUT Website ( Facilitator’s Notes: Have this slide displaying while parents/guardians are entering and settling in. Welcome everyone and thank them for coming out to attend. Introduce yourself and the educators with you: name and title or role (you may want to introduce ENL/Bilingual and content area teachers with slide 7) Introduce this parent workshop letting them know it will take about an hour or so. 2017, NYSUT Education & Learning Trust, its affiliates and assigns and licensors. All rights reserved. No claim to copyright is made for original U.S. Government Works.
Agenda Process for ELL Identification What school districts are required to provide while your child is learning English What to do if you have questions or concerns Other resources available to you Presenter’s Notes: Review the agenda of the topics to be addressed. If there is time or need, feel free to add other topics.
Stand Up If… You have _____ child(ren). You have a child in __________ School. If you speak ________ language(s). Presenter’s Notes: In order to have people feel comfortable, do an icebreaker. That will also help if some participants arrive late so they won’t miss any information. You may choose to do “Stand Up If…” or you might choose to do something else. If the group is smaller, you may ask them to introduce themselves to the group (name, child(ren)’s name(s) and grade(s)). Explain that this is an activity that will give people an opportunity to get to know one another. Directions: you will make a statement. If the statement describes them, then they are to stand up. If it does not, they either sit or remain seated. This gets fun as people may be up and down several times. Do the first question as an example, demonstrating it with the educators who are present. Stand up if… you have 1 child/2 children/3 children, etc. Stand up if… you have a child in preschool/elementary school/middle school/high school/college/out of school Stand up if… you speak 1 language/2 languages/3 languages, etc. (This is something to celebrate. Perhaps you can have a prize for the person with the highest number or have people applaud). Feel free to use different questions or add additional questions.
This session will focus on the valuable information provided in this guide for parents of English language learners Materials: Ensuring Success for English Language Learners: What Parents Should Know parent guide Online Resources: Presenter’s Notes: Make sure all parents/guardians have a copy of the Parent Guide. Though there are no page numbers, you will be going though the content in a sequential manner. You can direct people to “turn to the next page” so they can note where the information can be found. This guide is available in English and Spanish. There are bookmarks that provide the abbreviated link where the Spanish version of the Parent Guide can be downloaded. 2. If you click the graphic in presentation mode, it will go to the page on where the Parent Guide can be downloaded. Introduction
“When parents and educators work together, children will reach their fullest potential.” Presenter’s Notes: Here is a great chance to communicate the message of the district on Home-School collaboration. Feel free to address these talking points or add additional talking points. What is the district’s expectation for parents? Which methods of communication are encouraged? What initiatives is the district undertaking to involve parents of ELLs? Introduction
Process for Identification for English as a New Language Services Home Language Questionnaire (HLQ) Individual Interview with Student Student with an IEP reviewed by Language Proficiency Team (LPT) Initial ELL Identification (NYSITELL) Determination of SIFE Status Parent Notification of ELL Identification and Orientation Session Program Placement (Parent notification and agreement) Review of ELL Identification Determination Presenter’s Notes: This slide takes parents through the process to identify a student for ENL Services (to be completed within 10 school days from enrollment date). Briefly explain the process of how students are identified for ENL Services in New York State. While there is a lot of information provided below, that is background information for the facilitator in case questions arise. Step 1a – Screening with the Home Language Questionnaire (conducted at registration) Step 1b – Individual Interview with the Student Conducted in English and student’s home language by qualified personnel Reviews documents, prior assessments, academic experience Assessment of student’s abilities and/or work samples to determine literacy and math levels in home language **If student has an IEP, the LPT determines whether or not student has second language acquisition needs and recommends if take NYSITELL with or without testing accommodations specified in IEP. Step 2a – Administration of NYSITELL **If student was identified as a potential SIFE during the screening, administer the SIFE questionnaire and diagnostic tool to determine SIFE status. Step 2c – Parent Notification of ELL identification determination Parents are to be notified within 5 days of a student’s identification They are to receive written notice in their indicated preferred language Information is to include their right to seek a Review of ELL Identification Determination, the Parent Orientation session, their child’s ELL proficiency level **The Parent Orientation must be: In parents’ preferred language Include information regarding NYS learning standards, assessments, school expectations, program goals and requirements for BE/ENL programs Step 3 – ELL Program Placement Students are to be identified and placed within 10 school days of enrollment Bilingual Education is the default program Grade span for BE and ENL classes is 2 continguous grades
Bilingual Instructional Programs Must be provided when there are 20 or more students: At the same grade level Who speak the same home language At least 15 students enrolled in the cohort grade in a bilingual program from the previous year If not available in your school, you may request a transfer to a school in the district that offers your program of choice and transportation will be provided for your child If you don’t want your child in a bilingual program, s/he will automatically be placed in an English as a New Language program Presenter’s Notes: This is the information opposite the Introduction on the inside cover. Because a Bilingual Instructional Program is meant to be the default, that information is being presented first. Based on the district’s bilingual program models, more information may be provided on which models are available and at which schools. Here is the opportunity to announce that if a Bilingual program was not chosen, a child cannot be opted out of an ENL program.
English as a New Language Services ELL Proficiency Level Grades K-8 Minutes of ENL Instruction Grades 9-12 Minutes of ENL Instruction Entering 360 min per week Stand-alone ENL and ENL Integrated ENL/ELA 540 min per week ENL Integrated ENL/ELA AND Integrated ENL/content area or Stand-alone ENL Emerging Integrated ENL/ELA and Transitioning 180 min per week Integrated ENL/content area or stand-alone ENL Expanding Integrated ENL/ELA or another content area Integrated ENL/content area Presenter’s Notes: This information is found opposite the Introduction in the Parent Guide. More details are provided in this chart than the chart in the Parent Guide as it includes the bulleted information that is written out. This is another opportunity for introductions of ENL/Bilingual teachers and content teachers who are co-teaching as part of the integrated classes.
Testing Accommodations English language learners are entitled to: Use of a bilingual dictionary or glossary Extra time to take test Separate testing location (either small group or alone) Subject tests translated into home language (when available) Spoken or oral translations of subject tests if no translated version While exempt from NYS English Language Arts exam within first year, ELLs will take New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) every year in spring Presenter’s Notes: Review the testing accommodations. Point out where the information can be found in the guide. Add any other pertinent information.
Home-School Communication Any information the school sends to you must be in your preferred language, including: Report cards Newsletters Test results You may request to have the information explained to you in your preferred language Teachers at your child’s school must meet with you at least twice a year to understand the educational program and your child’s progress Ask about other educational and cultural resources available to families in your community Materials: School calendar with dates for Parent/Teacher meetings or conferences, etc. Presenter’s Notes: Review the Home-School Communication information. Point out where the information can be found in the guide. Add any other pertinent information.
Once Child Tests Out of ENL Services When child reaches Commanding level on the NYSESLAT, s/he will receive the following services for two years: At least 90 minutes of Integrated ENL/ELA or another content area Monitoring of language development Subject area support Testing accommodations on all state exams Your child may receive the following, even after the two years: Reading or Academic Intervention Services (AIS) Extra help before or after school Counseling services Presenter’s Notes: Explain what services an ELL who tested out will still receive. Point out where the information can be found in the guide. Add any other pertinent information based on what the school district offers.
Questions or Concerns About your child’s academic progress, contact… Your child’s teacher The school counselor If you think your child was misidentified and does not need ENL instruction, you may make a request in writing to review your child’s English language skills to… the ENL or Bilingual program director The school principal If you are still concerned about your child’s ENL or Bilingual services, you may also contact… NYS ELL Parent Hotline at 800-469-8224 Materials: Contact list of school staff in building and/or district Presenter’s Notes: This is a general slide. You can customize it to add name or just point out specific people. You may choose to hand out a contact list of staff in the building or even across the district.
Resources ¡Colorín colorado! Online Resources: New York State Education Department, Office of Bilingual Education & World Languages (OBEWL): Colorín Colorado: Presenter’s Notes: Click on each of the graphics and show parents how to navigate through the two websites. For addition sites, return to and show the additional resources. New York Stated Education Department Bilingual Education and English as a New Language ELL/MLL Parent Resources ¡Colorín colorado! A bilingual site for families of English language learners
Materials: School calendar Flyers of upcoming events Presenter’s Notes: Thank everyone for attending. Let them know about any other upcoming events.