Advanced Navigation Features Inserting Hyperlinks Adding Action Buttons
Inserting Hyperlinks A PowerPoint presentation can contain hyperlinks to Web pages, to other files on the same computer, or to slides in the same PowerPoint presentation. Clicking on such a hyperlink displays the appropriate page, file, or slide. Insert => Hyperlink… brings up the following dialog box:
To get hyperlinks to slides within the same presentation, click the Place in This Document button on the left-hand side of this dialog box.
Adding Action Buttons To add action buttons like the ones at the bottom of every slide in this presentation, add them to the Slide Master (by doing View => Master => Slide Master). To add them, do Slide Show => Action Buttons and select the desired buttons one by one.
Then change their size by right-clicking and selecting Format AutoShape. Then align the buttons and space them evenly by using the Draw button on the Drawing toolbar.