Benefits of meditation, art, and, exercise on perceived stress levels at Rowan University. Kyle Thorsen
Purpose Distress is the negative stress that doesn’t enhance our performance but, limits it. Distress overtime leads to elevated cortisol, blood pressure, and increased resting heart rate. Distress can wear down the cardiovascular system. It’s important to take time to de-stress to avoid strain on the heart as well as mental health. Undue stress that never settles can lead to mental illness.
Previous research on exercise Exercise reduces stress through an increase in serotonin.(Turcotte, 2013) Exercise increases serotonin through “motor activity”(Turcotte, 2013) Aerobic exercise provides an increase in tryptophan which is responsible for “manufacturing serotonin”.(Turcotte, 2013)
Previous research on Art “Art therapy can help people deal with “depression, dementia, anxiety, and PTSD.”(Dovey,2015) The art therapy group self-reported a decrease in distress through “the Symptoms Checklist-90-Revised”. (Monti, Peterson, 2006) Art therapy uses creativity and expression. Art can be used to express pent up feelings or it could be used to relax and focus on an image and reproducing it on paper.
Previous research on meditation A study was conducted in Thailand at Srinakharinwirot Universityby Turakitwanakan, Mekseepralard, Busarakumtragal. The study used a pre and post analysis as well as a meditation implementation in class. The average serum cholesterol pre implementation was 381.93 nmol/l. The average serum cortisol post implementation was 306.38 nmol/l.(Turakitwanakan, Mekseepraland, Busarakumtragel, 2013)
Population The study used Rowan University seniors in the Health& Exercise department. My study used 30 individuals with 10 individuals per method used (exercise, meditation, art therapy). There were 5 females and 5 males per method used in order to take in to account gender difference in method used. The individuals in the meditation & art group performed their activities in the Rowan library while the exercise group performed their activities at the Rec center.
Purpose of research Stress has been proven to increase stress levels mainly through an increase in cortisol, blood pressure, resting heart rate. The elevated blood pressure, cortisol and resting heart rate have been shown to increase risk of cardiovascular issues. Undue stress not only negatively impacts physiological health but also mental health deteriorates with it. Since the study uses three different methods to collect data for stress I decided to test all three markers and also used a perceived scale of stress from 1-10.
Method There was 4 sessions per week or every other day for each of the 3 methods (exercise, meditation, Artwork). Each session lasted 30 minutes for a combined total of 120 minutes per week of that particular method. The first day of implementation blood pressure, resting heart rate and serum cortisol was measured. The sessions were performed for 8 weeks.
Method After the 8 weeks students will report on their stress levels from a 1-10 scale as well as post blood pressure, resting heart rate and cortisol levels. Meditation and Art group will be signed in at Rowan library. The exercise group will be signed in at the Rec center. A timer was set at 30 minutes and started once all students were signed in.
Method Since, I couldn’t be at two places at the same time I chose meditation and Art group at the same time. I chose the exercise group to go the next day so there will be alternate days.
Basic description of study My study uses a pre and post analysis on the reduction in blood pressure, resting heart rate, serum cortisol, and perceived stress levels. There are 3 groups(meditation, exercise, and art). Each group will perform 30 minutes of their activities for 4 times a week. After 8 weeks there will be the post measure in blood pressure, resting heart rate, serum cortisol, and perceived stress levels.
Instrumentation Instrumentation-Pre/post Subject # Gender Stress level 1-10 Method used (Exercise, meditation, art) Blood pressure Resting heart rate Serum cortisol
Instrumentation Collecting data pre and post intervention on gender, perceived stress, resting heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol.
Pre Results
Post Results
Average stress level pre and post
Pre and post resting heart rate
Pre and post serum cortisol
Pre and post systolic blood pressure
Pre and post diastolic blood pressure
Discussion From the data collected there was impressive results for all three method used in reducing stress markers. Meditation, art, and exercise were shown in this study to lower perceived stress levels, cortisol levels, and systolic blood pressure. . Meditation and art had a slightly better response in the physiological markers like blood pressure, resting heart rate, blood pressure than exercise.
The exercise group had higher blood pressure than the others which could affect results possibly due to genetics or health conditions not specified. The exercise group was hypothesized to have the greatest reduction in all the testing markers but only came in first for perceived stress levels and systolic blood pressure. Art had the greatest reduction in systolic blood pressure but not diastolic blood pressure compared to the meditation group. The exercise group came in first for systolic blood pressure reduction because of the obvious increase in cardiac output the other groups didn’t receive.
Evaluation & reflection Overall the program was a success in reducing stress markers. Further research needs to be done to determine accuracy of results. Exercise was hypothesized to be the biggest stress reducer but overall exercise wasn’t. A re run of the program with a larger population will produce more data for each technique provided in reducing stress markers.
References c6cdf3e60142/5040fbb95099ffe8ab12e0e12ab36e34/jelly-bean-art-starry-night-620.jpg 640x460-1.png content/uploads/2016/06/466a7db6a784a633dbec36b209f438f7640000.jpg
RD, Michele Turcotte MS. "The Effects of Exercise on Serotonin Levels RD, Michele Turcotte MS. "The Effects of Exercise on Serotonin Levels." LIVESTRONG.COM. Leaf Group, 19 Aug. 2013. Web. 01 May 2017 n.d.). Retrieved May 01, 2017, from Turakitwanakan, W., C. Mekseepralard, and P. Busarakumtragul. "The Pilot Study of the Effect of Meditation to the Serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) of Medical Students, Srinakharinvirot University." Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet Thangphaet. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Nov. 2015. Web. 01 May 2017. Dovey, D., & Dana Dovey Dana Dovey is a reporter for Medical Daily and specializing in health and science. read more. (2016, September 06). The Therapeutic Science Of Adult Coloring Books. Retrieved May 01, 2017, from coloring-books-how-childhood-pastime-helps-adults-356280 Art Therapy for Women with Breast Cancer: The Therapeutic Consequences of Boundary Strengthening. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2017.