Mrs. O’Brien-102 Mrs. Bushonville-101 Ms. Tomal-105 First Grade Open House
WHAT READING INSTRUCTION LOOKS LIKE IN OUR ROOM Read – Alouds Full group, teacher-led, model new strategies, build community and common language Guided Reading/ Individual Reading Conferences Small group or one on one reading instruction: Students read texts at their instructional level. Students practice previously modeled strategies. Shared Reading Full group. Teacher reads text to students. Teacher models new strategies. Word Study Word study, spelling list that focuses on a spelling pattern and rules of grammar.
Literacy Time! We use the Daily 5 model to organize our literacy time. Students will move into three 15-20 minute rotations per day. Students will be held accountable for their time at each rotation. They will receive a graded rubric. There will be a choice of 5 centers. 1. Read to Self 2. Writing 3. Read to Someone 4. Word Work 5. Listen to Reading
Writer’s Workshop The components that make Writer's Workshop successful include: 1.Mini Lesson 2.Kid writing and Illustrating 3.1:1 Student/Teacher Conferences (Adult writing) 4.Share Time Students will gain experience in the following types of writing: Bright Ideas(Brainstorm ideas) Narrative(Stories and experiences) Persuasive(Taking and arguing a position) Expository(Research report and Informational) Poetry Journals
Go Math First grade emphasizes the following topics which are aligned to the Common Core Standards: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Measurement and Data Geometry
Math Daily 3 Students in first grade participate in Math Daily 3. They are grouped according to NWEA MAP scores. Groups fluctuate depending upon topic being taught. Math Daily 3 consists of: Math by Myself/ Math writing Math with Technology Math with the Teacher Math Daily 3 will begin when we start Chapter 2.
Science Science is aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Units in 1st grade: Plants and Animals Light and Sound Sky Patterns
Social Studies Thematic units covered in “People and Places” by Scott Foresman. Scholastic News: Keep informed on current events.
Grading Policy A=100-90 B=89-80 C=79-70 D=69-60 F=59-0 You can monitor your child’s grades on Parent Portal. You can access it through Garvy website, using your child’s username and password. You can obtain this information from the office.
Reading Level First graders will receive a quarterly grade in Gradebook for Independent Reading Level. This is 45% of their reading grade. Please continue to practice High Frequency Words daily. Reading for 20 minutes per day is strongly recommended as well as logging in to RAZKids. Independent Reading Level is not only based on reading the words, but also comprehending reading material.
Absences/Tardies/Dismissal It is extremely important for students to be on time every day. Students who are tardy need to get a tardy slip from the office before coming to class. If your child is absent, call the school office the morning of and send a note following your child’s absence.
Parent/Teacher Communication Parents will receive a progress report at the 5th week of every quarter. Report card pick up happens twice a year( November and April). If you would like to meet us at another date, the best way to reach us is by email. We are available for conferences by appointment. See below for contact information. The First Grade Tribune will be emailed home every Monday. This will help you be informed of what is going on in class.
Class Dojo
Homework First Graders are given approximately 30 minutes of homework a night. This is not including the 20 minutes of reading that is expected daily. Students receive a week-long plan for the spelling words and several math assignments. Homework should be completed on time. The purpose of the homework is to reinforce what we’ve learned in class and to teach responsibility. Homework is not meant to be stressful. If your child struggles with the assigned work, please inform the teacher. In an effort to reduce paper, the First Grade Tribune will be sent via email. If you require a paper copy, please let Your child’s teacher know.
Birthdays If you would like to share your child’s birthday celebration with the class, please consider donating a book to our classroom library. Due to school district regulations, we can no longer distribute food to students.
Snack Children will be allowed to have a healthy snack each day because our lunch period is so early in the day. We will only allow fruit or veggies. Do not send any type of dips.
Contact Information School Office: 773-534-1185 Melissa Bushonville: Cathy O’Brien: Kathryn Tomal Thank you for coming!