United States History 1 Mr. Kizoulis The New Republic 1789-1816 United States History 1 Mr. Kizoulis
Electing a President Electoral College unanimously elected Washington as President. Finishing 2nd in the election was John Adams, who became Washington’s V.P. Cabinet- the president’s team of advisors and leaders. Judiciary Act of 1789- est. court system.
Washington and Adams
Washington’s Cabinet Thomas Jefferson Secretary of State handled foreign Affairs strict constructionist opposed Hamilton’s national bank Democratic Republican
Washington’s Cabinet Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury handled nation’s finances and debt called for a national bank loose constructionist Federalist closest advisor to Washington
Hamilton’s Plan The new government inherited $52 million in debt He wanted to create a commercial and industrial economy Fix our credit Wealthy Americans supported the plan sale of government bonds raise taxes tariffs Bank of the United States Redistribute wealth from the South to the North
Opposing Hamilton Thomas Jefferson and Anti-federalists opposed plan. They believed it supported Northerners over Southerners They claimed that no where in the Constitution did it state that the government can create a bank. Jefferson said government resembled a monarchy which benefitted the rich
A Two- Party System Federalists Believed in a strong central government Supported Bank of the United States Party supported by the North Pro-British Believed in a strong large military Led by Hamilton and Adams Democratic Republicans Believed in a weak central government Did not support the Bank of the United States Party supported by the South Pro-French Believed in a small military Led by Jefferson and Madison
The Whiskey Rebellion Tax on whiskey Washington and Hamilton led 12,00 troops into PA. Most of the people who were upset over tax stayed home or ran away.
Washington’s Farewell In 1796 Washington declined to run again for a 3rd term. He didn’t want the presidency to resemble a monarchy Warned about political parties and alliances Retired to Mt. Vernon, VA
John Adams Won the election of 1796 Federalist Believed in a strong foreign government Alien and Sedition Acts Thomas Jefferson VP
Thomas Jefferson Won the elections of 1800 and 1804 Served 2 terms Democratic-Republican Louisiana Purchase Retired to Monticello, VA
Hamilton vs. Burr
Louisiana Purchase Bought from France in 1803 for $15 million Napoleon sold it for money to fund his war in Europe Doubled sized of the country Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lewis and Clark Expedition 28 month adventure to find out exactly what we purchased Sacagawea acted as an interpreter and guide kept journal entries and maps