My Time Provider Mini-Training
WELCOME! Welcome to the My Time Provider mini-training. This is a great way to freshen up our skills, knowledge, and possibly learn something new.
AGENDA Review of Program Changes Made Questions
Review History of Program Normal Growth and Development Developmental and Intellectual Disability Knowledge
History of MTP Started in 1986 as Special Sitters Developed by a grant used to help fund for individuals with disabilities to allow individuals to remain in their homes and the community 2012: changed name to My Time Providers Funded annually by OPWDD through FLDDSO
Normal Growth Development Why did we learn about normal growth and development? To help determine when there is abnormal development By observing growth we can see growth and report any concerns if needed Remember – every child develops at their own pace and no two children are exactly the same
FOUR MAIN AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT Cognitive: the way we think Social and Emotional: the way we make relationships with others Communication: the way we communicate, both verbal and non-verbal Motor: the way we move around
DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES Definition: Occurs before the age of 22 Continues indefinitely Severe and long lasting Result from a mental/physical impairment or both Limitations in at least three of the following: Self care Self direction Economic self-sufficiency Independent living Learning Receptive and expressive language Mobility
INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES Limits an individual’s ability to learn at an expected level and function in daily living Caused by: injury, disease, problem in brain development Occurs before age 18 Intelligent Quotient (I.Q.) – 75 or below Limits adaptive behavior
AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD) Definition: A complex developmental disability that can cause significant behavioral, communicational, and social issues. Autism Asperger’s Syndrome Rett’s Syndrome Childhood Disintegrative Disorder Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)
FACTS ABOUT ASD Most difficult disability to define, diagnosis, and treat 1 out of 68 children are diagnosed Affects males 4-5 times more than females Unknown cause: more than one single cause Video
COMMUNICATION CHARACTERISTICS Uses behavior to express feelings Lack of delay of speech Echolalia: repeats words or sounds Atypical tone of voice Does not run in direction when spoken to Displays narrow range of emotions
BEHAVIORAL CHARACTERISTICS May use toys in an odd manor May seem to be unable to play Repetitive behaviors Attached to inanimate objects May seem hearing impaired
SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS Lack understanding of social cues Avoids eye contact Lack of pretend play Prefer to play in solidarity
SENSORY INTEGRATION Over-responsive Under-responsive Respond to touch with aggression or withdrawal Fear of movement Uncomfortable in loud environments Picky eater Under-responsive Hyperactive, seeking additional sensory Unaware of pain or may touch others too hard Engage in dangerous activities Enjoy loud sounds Video
ANXIETY Need = Routine Do not like sudden changes May take longer to adjust to transitions
COMMUNICATING WITH INDIVIDUALS WITH ASD Observe their communication style(s) Use simple language Be patient; allow time from processing Provide visuals (if needed) Be consistent Be creative Be flexible
COMMUNICATION Definition: Expressive Language = how we use The way an individual conveys their feelings, ideas, needs, and desires to another individual or group of individuals. Expressive Language = how we use Avoid assuming what individual wants Encourage repetition Prompt Receptive Language = how we understand Use what is familiar Repeat Talk through schedule
COMMUNICATION… CONT’D Pragmatic Language = social aspect of communication. Allow for processing time for individual to respond Non-verbal Language = everything but words Okay if no eye contact Respect personal space, if needed
TIPS TO REMEMBER Include individual in conversation Explain procedures in simple words Repeat if needed Describe procedures first, then guide Ask affirmative rather than negative questions Speak slow and clearly Allow for processing time
BEHAVIOR What is the definition of behavior ? Simply, it is the way we act Behaviors are observable Behavior Management Definition: How we respond to the behavior of the individual and the effect that our response has on the individual’s behavior
POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT Clear understanding of what is expected Praise for positive behavior Hug High five Words of encouragement Stickers Model desired behavior
MINIMIZING INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR Ignore undesired behavior Discuss with parents You are NOT allowed to minimize behavior that involved any sort of physical punishment. If done so, you will be taken off of the providers referral list effective immediately.
POSITIVE APPROACH TO DISCIPLINE Be clear and simple Let individual know expectations Be clear and empathetic Solve the problem together Offer choices (no more than two) Be reasonable Focus on the positive
HOME SAFETY Follow the emergency procedures set by parents/guardians Remember CPR and First Aid Training Required every two years Is yours up to date?
MTP DOCUMENTATION Process of Meeting with a Family and being their Provider Sitter will fill out availability form Referred to Family Family will contact Provider Set a date and time to meet Completely fill out the Individual Information Packet – USE this packet! EVERYTIME you provide care, have Family fill out: Emergency Medical Consent and Release of Liability Form Quarterly Service Hour Log Due at the end of every quarter
SITTER INFORMATION Keep information up to day Especially availability and contact information! Notify me if there are any changes that need to be made!
REFERRALS AND INTERVIEW Family Availability Send referral based on: Family needs Provider availability Preferences Family contacts Provider, sets up interview Discuss rate of pay Hours needed Make sure to fill out information about the individual completely BEFORE agreeing to provide care for the individual. REMEMBER: Provider is allowed to decline a job.
WHEN PROVIDING CARE Be professional Be aware and alert Follow Parent/Guardian care instructions Refer to “cheat sheet” if needed PLEASE SEE PROGRAM GUIDELINES!!!
ACCEPTING A PROVIDER POSITION Make sure to completely fill out: Emergency Medical Treatment Consent and Release of Liability Form Quarterly Service Hour Log Form