Can computers match human perception? If you can write a formula for it, computers can excel Computer vision can’t solve the whole problem (yet), so breaks it down into pieces. Many of the pieces have important applications.
Successes What works: autostitch, 3D shape recon, image search, scissors
Challenges CV still far behind human performance: recognition, tracking, segmentation, scene understanding, motion
Directions: Sensors and Imaging Point Grey’s ProFusion 25 Samsung 12MP camera phone Columbia’s Omnicam HDR, multispectral imaging, high frame-rate, res
Directions: Vision-based HCI
Directions: Search and Retrieval
Directions: Vision and Learning Fergus, Perona, and Zisserman, CVPR 2003
Directions: Data-Driven Techniques 80 Million Tiny Images, Torralba et al.
Directions: Recognition (and Surveillance!)
Directions: 3D Reconstruction [Goesele, Snavely, Curless, Hoppe, Seitz, ICCV 2007]
Directions: 3D Reconstruction