Week 1: Introduction to Badminton SSP4001 Badminton Week 1: Introduction to Badminton Catrin Rowlands
Learning Outcomes By the end of the lecture students should be able to: 1, Outline the aims of the module and activity 2, Perform basic health and safety checks for the activity (coaching skill) 3, Provide a clear explanation of how to perform the forehand clear (coaching skill) 4, Correctly score a game of singles (knowledge and understanding)
Contents Assessment requirements Health and safety Grips IDEAS Forehand clear Singles Scoring Court layout
Assessment PORT1 (30%) - Coursework Part 1 Part 2 PRAC1 (20%) – Team building residential PRAC2 (50%) – practical assessment See module handbook for details
Health and Safety Floor surface – clean, dry, free from obstacles Do not leave shuttles lying on court Nets No enlarged holes No gap between net and post Secured tightly Posts secure No jewellery Footwear Adequate grip Adequate ankle and arch support Tie your laces!
Grips Do not grip the racket too tightly – can lead to elbow soreness (tennis elbow) Racket should be held in your fingers, not your palm Fingers and thumb should be used to control the racket You should be able to change from one grip to another quickly and accurately
Grips Basic Grip Thumb Grip Bevel Grip Shake hands with the racket Produce ‘V’ between index finger and thumb Racket head parallel with floor when held out in front Thumb Grip Thumb flat on wide top part of grip Racket head horizontal with floor when held out in front Not used when playing an overhead backhand shot Bevel Grip Used for overhead backhand shots Thumb over bevel of the racket
Grips Long Grip Short Grip Basic grip held at the ‘butt-end’ Used in overhead shots Short Grip Basic grip held at the ‘shaft-end’ Used for control and precision in the forecourt and midcourt areas
IDEAS Introduce Demonstrate Explain Activity Summary
Forehand Clear Aim Hit shuttle high and long from your rear-court to opponent’s rear-court Start position Square on to the net Turn legs and body to the side, so non-racket side is nearest the net Racket moved to above and just in front of your head Preparation Flexed elbow Racket taken up behind the head and body, ready to throw the racket Elbow as high as your head Body weight on back racket foot Non-racket arm points to the shuttle for balance
Forehand Clear Hitting Recovery Throw the racket head at the shuttle using a whip action Weight transferred from back racket foot to front foot Forearm pronation on impact Shuttle hit at relaxed full reach above or just in front of head Shuttle hit in upwards direction towards back of opponent’s court Recovery During hitting body rotates almost 180° until racket shoulder is nearest the net Momentum carries player forwards towards base position Racket head follows flight of shuttle Follow through of racket to non-racket hip Racket returned to ready position
Forehand Clear Forehand Clear
Singles - Scoring Rally Point Best of 3 games to 21 points, men and women Start serving from right Change side every time a point is scored Right court = even points Left court = odd points Score a point from every rally, regardless of who served If score is 20-20, first player to gain two clear points wins (e.g. 24-22). If score is 29-29, the 30th point wins
Scoring PDF files of the laws of badminton and “Rally point info sheet” are available to download from the Badminton Association of England website http://www.bwfbadminton.org/file_download.aspx?id=37390 Simplified Rally Point guide: http://www.badmintonengland.co.uk/core/core_picker/download.asp?id=1587
Singles - Court Layout Singles Long and thin Red = out net
Court Layout