DURABILITY ASSESSMENT OF STONES FOR RENOVATION OF HISTORIC BUILDINGS Martin KEPPERT, Monika ČÁCHOVÁ, Dana KOŇÁKOVÁ Department of Materials Engineering and Chemistry, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague martin.keppert@fsv.cvut.cz
Objectives porous sedimentary rocks – sandstone, marlstone wide range of properties due to differences in composition (amount of clay matrix, presence of siliceous or calcareous cement) S 1 S 2 Rock Porosity Compressive strength % MPa S 1 30.5 8.7 S 2 21.8 25.5 S 3 16.2 81.0 S 4 6.2 109.0 S 3 S 4
Methods evaluation of porous stones durability: ice decay – freezing/thawing cycles of water saturated samples; evaluation by loss of Youngs modulus or bending strength salt decay – cyclic crystallization/dissolution of Na2SO4.10H2O induced by temperature changes between 10 and 40 °C evaluation by „Dry weigth loss“ (DWL) – loss of weigth of samples due to salt scaling
Results Rock Porosity Compressive strength Bending strength Youngs modulus DWL % MPa GPa S 1 30.5 8.7 1.3 10.9 S 2 21.8 25.5 3.6 18.0 4.2 S 3 16.2 81.0 11.4 27.5 0.5 S 4 6.2 109.0 18.2 34.4 3.1 Pore size distribution is controling salt decay : smaller pores = higher crystallization pressure