Engage… SEND International
establish reproducing churches establish reproducing churches mobilize mobilize God’s people engage engage the unreached establish reproducing churches establish reproducing churches
engage engage priority of evangelism little or no opportunity to hear dependence on God culturally appropriate research creative engage engage priority of evangelism new works little or no opportunity to hear
Evangelistic Methods Testimonial approach Samaritan women and the townspeople (Jn. 4:39-42) The blind man (Jn. 9:13-34) Paul before Felix and Festus (Acts 24:1-25:12)
Evangelistic Methods Intellectual approach (apologetics) Confrontational approach Paul in Athens (Acts 17:16-34) Peter in Jerusalem (Acts 2:14-40)
Evangelistic Methods Service approach Interpersonal approach Dorcas (Acts 9:36-43) Andrew to Peter and Philip to Nathanial (Jn. 1:40-46)
Evangelistic Methods Invitational approach (meal, event, party) Teaching approach Matthew’s party (Lk. 5:29) Paul in the synagogues and at the hall of Tyrannus (Acts 13:5, 14; 14:1; 19:9)
Evangelistic Methods Discovery approach (asking questions) Bible study approach Nicodemus (Jn. 3:1-21) Jesus and the Samaritan women (Jn. 4:1-26) Paul and the Bereans (Acts 17:11)
Evangelistic Methods Prayer approach (healing or power encounter) The Jerusalem apostles (Acts 5:12-16) Paul and the demonized fortune teller (Acts 16:18) Ott & Wilson Global Church Planting p. 215
Perplexed in Paris What are the core issues? What are some key factors for engaging effectively? How would you respond to Jim?
Journey to Jesus 5 thresholds for post moderns Trusting a Christian Becoming curious Opening up to change Seeking after God Entering the Kingdom Living in the Kingdom
Metrics Monitor Progress towards Purpose Perform Activities Commit to a Meaningful Purpose Choose Activities to Accomplish Purpose Perform Activities Monitor Activities for Competence Monitor Progress towards Purpose
CONTACT FORM – MONTHLY UPDATE TODAY’S DATE _________________ Staff Member Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Contact’s Code Name: __________________________________________________________________________ My Current Activities & Studies with Contact: ________________________________________________________ How to move him/her to next level: ________________________________________________________________ His / Her friends that may be open: ________________________________________________________________ Bible study materials: People of God: Book # ____________ Lesson # __________ Obedience Oriented Discipleship Lesson # _______ CURRENT LEVEL Evangelism: ______E1 ______E2 ______E3 ______E4 Discipleship: ______D1 ______D2 ______D3 ______D4 Visitation Notes & Comments ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Your actions I am praying for opportunities to share I am getting to know where they are at – their needs I am growing in my understanding of how they investigate spiritual things I am sharing what Jesus is doing in my life I am challenging them to consider Jesus as the answer