a Certificate of Conformity IECEx 02 Certificates Requirements for, and content of a Certificate of Conformity Theo Pijpker Certification Manager KEMA Quality B.V.
Topics ISO Guide 65 - Minimum requirements for the contents of certificates ISO Guide 67 - Certification System No. 5 elements Current content of IECEx on-line certificates How to deal with: product families the product description component versus equipment certificates
ISO 65 minimum requirements As a minimum, a certificate shall permit identification of the following: name and address of the supplier of the product(s) the products certified, which may be identified by type or range of products the product standards or other normative documents to which each product or product type is certified the applicable certification system the effective date of the certification
ISO 67 - Certification system 5 elements sampling as requested by the CB testing and/or assessment initial assessment of the production process/QS evaluation of test and assessment reports decision on certification licensing (right to use certificates or marks) surveillance of the production process/QS surveillance by testing or inspection of samples from the factory or the open market, or both
IECEx 02 Certificates The on-line IECEx Certificates of Conformity include (of course) the ISO 65 minimum requirements: name and address of the supplier (manufacturer) type or range of product(s) certified product standards (IEC 60079 / 61241 series) certification system (IECEx 02) date of certification The IECEx CoC however includes much more information as required by ISO 65 >>
IECEx 02 certificates - additional information Information provided but not required by ISO 65: Types of protection Marking Production sites Link to ExTR and QAR Product description Electrical data If applicable: Ex d flamepath dimensions Quite often: Notes for installation and use If applicable: Conditions of certification (X-certificate) Sometimes: Manufacturer’s documents
All that additional information: do we need it? (1) When focussing on an IECEx CoC that is/will be accepted worldwide, it must have a very clear and logical format for all parties involved. Therefore: Types of protection, marking, product description and electrical data all help to identify the products certified and should / must be in the CoC Production sites and QAR are not directly linked to the product itself but are included in the CoC as part of the ISO 67 type 5 certification system
Additional information (2) Notes for installation and use can perhaps better be replaced by a standard text in the CoC referring to the instructions provided with the equipment as verified by the ExCB “X”- conditions and e.g. flamepath dimensions must be in the certificate as required by the standard used Manufacturer’s documents: only the manufacturer and ExCB have full access to these documents, so why have them in the certificate?
Product families (1) ISO 65: “the certified products may be identified by the type or range of product(s)”: A limited number of models / types / variations can easily be identified in the body of the CoC In case of a large product range (enclosures, barriers, terminal blocks) it must still be possible to identify every type from the scope of the certificate. Usually this requires an Annex to the CoC
Product families (2) For determining the “logical” scope of the CoC, following questions may help: same (main) type of protection? Example: Ex d motors <-> Ex e motors same function? Example: an Ex i caplight versus an Ex e lighting fixture same intended purpose? Example: caplight <-> lighting fixture any prescribed interconnections? Example: Ex d [ia] transmitter with Ex ia remote sensor
Product description Not required by ISO 65 but surely a good description helps to identify the product. When we write the description, should it be: a functional description? a safety concept description? both? Suggestion: 80 % safety, 20 % functional How detailed should the description be? Suggestion: not longer / more detailed than necessary to understand what kind of product is certified
Component versus equipment Definitions (based on IEC 60079-0): Equipment: items applied as a whole or in part for the utilization of (electrical) energy Component: a part not intended to be used alone and which requires additional consideration when incorporated into equipment Compared with an equipment CoC, a U-certificate must often contain more information about the intended use and operating limits of the component, to make sure that the component can be used easily in the equipment.
Component certificates (1) The 60079 series does not provide much guidance, ExCB must decide on a case-to-case basis what information should be included in the CoC IEC 60079-0 requires that: the operating temperature limits must be specified a T-class shall not be specified. Instead of T-class, often the temperature rise related to the max. allowed power dissipation before a T-class is reached is given For terminal blocks, the rated current is given based on a temperature rise of 40 K
Component certificates (2) Typical components: Ex d enclosures Ex i optocouplers, fuses Ex e terminal blocks, enclosures For enclosures the additional information in the certificate is of mechanical nature, e.g. the maximum allowed number/size of cable/conduit entries For optocouplers, terminal blocks, fuses the additional information is merely of electrical nature, e.g. Um, U, I ratings Any other useful information should be provided, depending on the type of protection
Recommendations The ExTAG/92/CD paper, as prepared by Baseefa, is a good basis for further clarification of the content of a certificate, and should be developed further by a new (?) ExTAG working group The ExTAG/92/CD, once approved, should be used by all ExCBs as soon as possible in order to assure more consistency regarding the content of IECEx certificates Perhaps a similar document should be issued for the content of an ExTR?
Thank you for your attention ! Theo Pijpker KEMA Quality B.V.