CEN 180: Civil Engineering Drawing II
Line types Visible lines Hidden lines Center lines Visible lines Visible lines represent visible edges and boundaries. Continuous and thick (0.5 - 0.6 mm). Hidden lines Hidden lines represent hidden edges and boundaries. Dashed and medium thick (0.35 - 0.45 mm). Center lines Center lines Represent axes of symmetry. Long dash – short dash and thin (0.3 mm).
Isometric View of One Storied Building
Components of Building Roof
Components of Building Super structure: The portion of building above ground level is called super structure. This includes masonry walls, columns, steps, doors, windows, ventilators, lintels, sunshades, staircase, roof, parapet wall etc.
Components of Building Sub structure: The portion of the building below ground level is called sub structure. This includes foundation of the building Sub Structure
Components of Building Plinth Level The floor level immediately above the ground is termed as plinth level. Plinth Plinth is the portion of the structure between the surrounding ground level and the surface of the floor level immediately above the ground. Plinth height is at least 6” above the ground.
Components of Building Lintels: Lintels are of reinforced cement concrete (R.C.C) which is provided over small opening like door, window, almairah etc. Generally 6” thick and width equal to wall width are provided. Lintel
Components of Building Sunshade: Sunshade is sloping or horizontal and is provided over windows to provide protection from sun and rain. The thickness of wall end is 3” and at the free end thickness is 2”. The projection of sunshades is extended 2’ from the face of wall.
Components of Building Drop Wall: Provided in the verandah projected downward from the slab to prevent the entry of sunshine or rain water. Drop wall
Components of Building Cornice: An extended portion of slab projecting horizontally outside from the slab which protects the brick wall from sunshine or rain. Cornice
Components of Building Parapet: A low wall or railing built along the edge of the roof. Parapet
Components of Building Footing/Foundation:
Components of Building Footing/Foundation: Lowest part of any structure below ground level which is in direct contact with ground. The size of wall is increased by means of stone masonry or brick masonry. The increase in width provided on either side of wall face is known as off-set. In case of brick foundation off-set on either side is usually 2.5”
Components of Building Windows: Normal dimension: 4’ x 3’ and from 3’ from the floor level Doors: Normal dimension: 7’ x 3’ Floor height: 10’
General Conventions (1) or (2) Masonry Section used in Elevation (3) or (4) Masonry Pointing used in Elevation
General Conventions (5) Concrete Section used in Plan or in Section view (6) (7) (8) (6) Wood in Section & (7) Wood in Elevation
General Conventions (8) Soil Level/Ground Level (9) Glass in Elevation
Opening Directions of Doors
Opening Directions of Windows
Building Drawing Plan View . A horizontal section is cut at the mid height of the windows, to get the plan view of the building.
Plan View Plan View
Elevation View Elevation view is the outward view of a completed building along any side of the building. When a building is seen by standing in front of it, the view that can be viewed is known as front elevation. Similarly backside view is called rear elevation or from any side of it which is known as left/right side elevation.
Elevation View
Relative Position of Views The plan should be drawn at the bottom portion of drawing sheet. The front elevation shall be exactly above the top of the plan view. The left/right elevation should be left/right of the plan view accordingly.
Arrangement of Rooms Drawing Room: This room should be centrally located in the building. There should be direct approach to this room from main entrance of the building. Dining Room: This room should be located adjacent to the drawing room. It is preferred if both these rooms remain connected though a connecting door. However, now a days dining rooms and drawing rooms are combined into a big sized room. Dining rooms should also be connected directly to the kitchen.
Arrangement of Rooms Bed Room: This room should be located on one side of the building. It should have at least one of its walls as external wall. It should be directly in front of the prevailing direction of the wind. Guest Room: This room should not have any connection with other rooms except with the dining room Kitchen: It should be located at the back corner of the house so that smoke of the kitchen does not spread in all rooms of the house.
Arrangement of Rooms Verandah: Verandah may be 2.4 m to 3 m wide and should be located at front or back of the building. Corridor: It is a covered passage in the building with the help of which any room can be approached without disturbing privacy of the other rooms. Stair Room: It should be located at such a position that it remains easily approachable from all parts of the building. Porch: It is constructed in the front of the building. Car may be parked in it temporarily.
Ground Floor Plan