Urinary System Diseases and Disorder
Kidney Stones When urine is extremely concentrated, solutes such as uric acid salts form crystals called renal calculi (kidney stones) Pain caused by the walls of the ureter closing around a sharp point of the crystal
Urinary infection Common in females because of the closeness to the anal opening and the large amount of bacteria in feces Symptoms of infection: Painful urination Urinary urgency and frequency Fever Cloudy or bloody urine If kidneys involved, back pain and severe headache
Strep Throat and Kidneys leads to kidney damage if infection not treated These conditions result when antibodies the body makes to destroy the streptococcus bacteria also attack the normal tissues of the kidneys. Develops one to six weeks after throat symptoms have disappeared. Symptoms include decreased urination, blood in the urine, increased blood pressure, and fluid retention (edema).
Urethritis Inflammation of urethra Can easily spread to bladder
Cystitis Inflammation of bladder Can spread to kidney
Pyelitis Kidney inflammation