Peter Gloviczki, MD, Peter C. Pairolero, MD, Barbara J


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Presentation transcript:

Reconstruction of large veins for nonmalignant venous occlusive disease  Peter Gloviczki, MD, Peter C. Pairolero, MD, Barbara J. Toomey, RN, Thomas C. Bower, MD, Thom W. Rooke, MD, Anthony W. Stanson, MD, John W. Hallett, MD, Kenneth J. Cherry, MD  Journal of Vascular Surgery  Volume 16, Issue 5, Pages 750-761 (November 1992) DOI: 10.1016/0741-5214(92)90230-6 Copyright © 1992 Society for Vascular Surgery and the North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig. 1 Postoperative venogram of 69-year-old man with patent right internal jugular vein-right atrial appendage SSVG. Arrow indicates site of end-to-end jugular vein—spiral graft anastomosis, Graft had documented patency at 1 year and patient is symptom free at 2 years. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1992 16, 750-761DOI: (10.1016/0741-5214(92)90230-6) Copyright © 1992 Society for Vascular Surgery and the North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig. 2 A, Preoperative venogram of 80-year-old man shows occlusion of subclavian and proximal axillary veins. B, Postoperative venogram confirms patency of left axillary—internal jugular vein externally supported ePTFE graft. Arrows indicate sites of anastomosis. Patient has left forearm arteriovenous fistula for dialysis. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1992 16, 750-761DOI: (10.1016/0741-5214(92)90230-6) Copyright © 1992 Society for Vascular Surgery and the North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig. 3 A, Illustration of right iliac vein-IVC externally supported ePTFE graft. Note arteriovenous fistula at right groin and 20-gauge catheter, which is introduced through tributary of saphenous vein for postoperative heparin infusion. B, Postoperative venogram confirms patency of graft in same patient. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1992 16, 750-761DOI: (10.1016/0741-5214(92)90230-6) Copyright © 1992 Society for Vascular Surgery and the North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig. 4 A, Illustration of short suprahepatic cavoatrial ePTFE graft implanted for injury of IVC during orthotopic liver transplantation. B, Computed tomography confirmed patency of graft at 1 year. Arrow indicates high-density ring structure of graft. Graft was patent 5 years later. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1992 16, 750-761DOI: (10.1016/0741-5214(92)90230-6) Copyright © 1992 Society for Vascular Surgery and the North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig. 5 Venogram 1.6 years after implantation of left common femoral IVC 10 mm ePTFE graft for isolated left iliac vein occlusion. Patient is symptom free at 3.7 years. Arrow indicates site of end-to-end distal anastomosis. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1992 16, 750-761DOI: (10.1016/0741-5214(92)90230-6) Copyright © 1992 Society for Vascular Surgery and the North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions