BELLWORK: September 11th


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Presentation transcript:

BELLWORK: September 11th Why did Germany attack Britain? What was Britain’s biggest advantage during the Battle of Britain? What was Germany’s biggest disadvantage during the Battle of Britain? Describe how strategic bombing was used by both sides during the battle. What was the outcome of the battle? U.S. role? THINKER: How effective is terror bombing as a strategy?

Battle of Britain ALLIES (Britain) AXIS (Germany) STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES

Hermann Göring Leader of the Nazi Party, founder of the Gestapo, commander-and-chief of the Luftwaffe, 2nd in command

The Blitz! Churchill’s refusal to surrender = The Blitz! September 1940-May 1941 German Goals: Crush civilian morale  force negotiation Hurt British war production To what extent were these goals achieved? British Response: Aide civilians to minimize damage (shelters, gas masks) Blackout regulations to hide targets Propaganda = rally support! Alter strategy to rely on night-bombing missions

Strategic Bombing during the Blitz Area Bombing Precision Bombing Bomb ALL structures regardless of strategic value Bomb smaller targets to destroy industry, rail/communication lines & ports

Incendiary Bombs during the Blitz

THINKER: How effective is terror bombing as a strategy?


HOMEWORK: Due Wednesday Read about Hitler’s key battles/operations in the Soviet Union Pages 170-175 Fill in operations wkst: Barbarossa Stalingrad