Base Camp to Summit: A collaborative approach to building skills and providing support in the area of evidence based practice Diana Blackwood and Jayanthi Joseph Health Sciences Team - Curtin Library Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider code 00301J
What was at base camp?
Gearing up… A team approach
The unwitting new recruit…
The uphill journey… Boot camp for novices
Getting a grip ….. Do you get the Haynes I give up with these S’s! 5S and 6S models? I give up with these S’s!
Health team “Journal Club” More training
Research into practice Our LibGuides Allied Health Honours Research Design Systematic Reviews Evidence Based Practice
Systematic Reviews LibGuide 2014: 3163 2013: 1307
Getting down to it… Searching the literature for evidence – Western Australian Centre for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery (WACEBN) in 2010 Increasing your skills in searching the literature for evidence – jointly prepared but individually presented in 2012 for WACEBN Workshops for Faculty postgraduates and academic staff on how to search the literature for systematic reviews
Uphill journey continues… Being “egged on” to hop to their next challenge
Meeting of the Minds We partnered with a systematic review team of researchers and their Australian collaborators in the Autism Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) in the creation of a robust search strategy
Collaboration With academics We learned about useful resources and tips from academics who were involved in conducting systematic reviews
Collaboration With colleagues We collaborated with Perth based health librarians in the organisation of a research workshop called Searching Systematically: best practice in librarian support for systematic reviews at which we presented a paper on Searching the Literature when Undertaking a Systematic Review
Continuing our journey… Qualitative Research Run the ‘Searching the Literature When Undertaking a Systematic Review’ workshop again but this time utilising a more hands on approach Team with EBP experts to run joint session on SRs Investigate PRESS methodology for checking search strategies
A new summit
Getting there… Recognition and satisfaction!
What we have learned…