S1400 Lung Master Protocol SWOG FALL meeting September 16, 2016 LUNG-MAP S1400 Lung Master Protocol SWOG FALL meeting September 16, 2016
Welcome SWOG ECOG-ACRIN NRG CCTG Alliance S1400 Master Protocol Karen Kelly, MD swog lung cancer committee chair David Gandara, md Study Co-Chair, Medical Oncology
Study Updates Vassiliki Papadimitrakopoulou, MD Study Chair, Medical Oncology
Where are we now? IRB Approvals: 736 sites 318 sites with at least 1 patient accrued Accruals: 979 patients registered to S1400 459 patients from SWOG sites 712 patients notified of their sub-study assignment 359 patients registered to a sub-study S1400B: 26 S1400D: 32 S1400I: 104 Closed Sub-studies/treatment: 197 SWOG STATISTICAL CENTER and CTSU AS OF 9/12/2016 Update
Current Status of Sub-Studies S1400A [MEDI4736] Closed 11/18/2015 S1400B [GDC-0032] Actively accruing S1400C [Palbociclib] Closed 9/1/2016 S1400D [AZD4745] Actively accruing S1400I [Nivolumab/Ipilimumab] Suggestions on what to states
Study Design Updates Revision #5 (August 2016) Request for Amendments (RAs) for MEDI4736, GDC-0032, Palbociclib, AZD4547 S1400I: Addition of Patient Reported Outcomes the option of enrolling to a new sub-study following progression on another sub-study Revision #6 (Expected Winter 2016) New Sub-Study, S1400G: a biomarker-driven study including a PARP inhibitor
Overview of Upcoming Changes Subsequent Revision: S1400F: a non-match study for patients who have failed prior nivolumab Concept Redesign approved; Protocol submission for CTEP Sub-Protocol Review soon Proposed Sub-Studies: S1400K: a biomarker-driven study of ABBV-399 in c-MET positive patients Very early in development Not sure if detailed information should be added. Do we want to show progress on adding new sub-studies?
Study Logistics Mary Redman, PhD Study Lead Biostatistician
S1400 Registration: Pre-screening Option Evaluate eligibility, consent patient*, and confirm evaluable tissue** * Use pre-screening consent; ** Need Pathology Form sign off Register to S1400 in OPEN Submit tissue to FMI within 1 day after registration If Patient will not be registered to a sub-study for any reason Note: Can change decision Continue current treatment Follow-up per protocol Submit Notice of Intention Not to Register Form in Rave ® Upon Progression: Submit S1400 Notice of Progression in Rave ® Sub-study assignment (received within 1 day from Notice of Progression if at least 16 days since tissue submission) Follow-up for 3 years
S1400 Registration: Screening at Progression Option Evaluate eligibility, consent patient*, and confirm evaluable tissue** * Use Screen at PD consent; ** Need Pathology Form sign off Register to S1400 in OPEN Submit tissue to FMI within 1 day after registration If Patient will not be registered to a sub-study for any reason Note: Can change decision Wait to receive sub-study assignment from SWOG Submit Notice of Intention Not to Register Form in Rave ® Sub-study assignment (received within 16 days following tissue submission) Follow-up for 3 years
Sub-study Registration: From Sub-study Assignment Sub-study common and specific eligibility criteria If patient is assigned to sub-study and meets sub-study common eligibility criteria but does NOT meet study-specific eligibility criteria Submit Request for Sub-study Reassignment Form in Rave If patient IS eligible for and consents to assigned sub-study Register to S1400X sub-study in OPEN after receiving sub-study assignment email Protocol treatment within 7 working days of sub-study registration Follow-up, obtain and submit specimens and forms per sub-study protocol If patient is not going to register to a sub-study for any reason Follow-up for 3 years Submit Notice of Intention not to Register Form in Rave Separate out into 3 slides
Notice of Intention Not to Register Reasons: Within last 3 months Reason (N=74) % Not eligible for any sub-study 41% Patient Death 15% Symptomatic deterioration Preference to receive nivolumab 12% Investigator decision 5% Tissue Inadequate Patient refusal 4% Not eligible for screening at PD/prescreening reg. 3%
New Sub-study Registration Option (In Revision #5 v.7/19/16) Patients who progress on a Lung-MAP sub-study may register to another Lung-MAP sub-study, if eligible for one of the other studies Progress on Lung-MAP sub-study If Patient will not be registered to new sub- study for any reason Note: Can change decision Evaluate Common Eligibility Criteria Submit the Request for New Sub-study Assignment (See S1400 main Protocol Section 14) Submit Notice of Intention Not to Register Form in Rave ® Sub-study assignment (received within 1 day following request submission) Follow-up per current Sub-study Follow-up per new Sub-study
Data Submission Requirements All data is submitted electronically: Medidata Rave® TRIAD application SWOG Specimen Tracking System All case report forms & specified source documentation Radiology images All specimens Protocol Section 14 for submission schedule Protocol Section 14 for schedule Protocol Section 15 for details Protocol Section 15 for details and schedule Forms due on Monthly Expectation Report Queries in Rave at each disease assessment Protocol page example resources: Master Forms Set, TRIAD Fact Sheet) CRA Workbench example resources: ORP Manual, BSA Calculator, expectation & ineligible patient reports Mary: I suggest referring the attendees to the handout: S1400 Registration and Study Flow schema, the Tissue Specifications information sheet, and the Who Do I Ask Contact Sheet. Timely submission of data is critical to trial success! Many resources available to help: Protocol abstract page on SWOG.org and CTSU.org (ex: Master Forms Set, TRIAD Fact Sheet) SWOG CRA Workbench (ex: ORP Manual, BSA Calculator, reports) Lung-MAP Data Coordinators: email S1400question@crab.org or call (206) 652-2267
S1400I Patient Reported Outcomes Mary Redman, PhD Study Lead Biostatistician
S1400I PRO Overview The Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) Study will look at capturing the complex symptom profile experienced by patients, which may result from the disease, the therapy, or both. The study will consist of PRO and EQ-5D Questionnaires. The S1400I trial structure provides an ideal setting for evaluating the information provided by PRO measures and assessing how well PRO measures track with disease symptoms and other clinical outcomes. The purpose of the EQ-5D is to obtain preliminary survivorship status for this group of patients at the three yearly follow-up assessments for clinical status.
Assessment Schedule PRO assessment schedule built on existing clinical assessments: B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 24 36 Y 1 Y 2 Y 3 Weeks PRO EQ-5D PRO PRO EQ-5D PRO EQ-5D PRO EQ-5D PRO PRO EQ-5D PRO EQ-5D PRO EQ-5D EQ-5D EQ-5D EQ-5D S1400I Clinical Assessment Schedule S1400I PRO Sub-study Assessment Schedule S1400I EQ-5D Questionnaire Assessment Schedule
PRO Data Submission Data Submission Requirements Master Forms Data must be submitted according to the protocol requirements for patients registered to S1400I after 9/1/2016 and participating in the S1400I PRO study (refer to S1400I Section 14.4) Master Forms Master forms can be found on the protocol abstract page on the SWOG website (www.swog.org) and CTSU website (www.ctsu.org) Data Submission Procedures In addition to completing electronic forms, upload the patient-completed questionnaires via the Source Documentation: PRO form in Medidata Rave. https://login.imedidata.com/selectlogin
PRO Training and Contacts Staff involved in the collection of quality of life/PRO data in SWOG trials should review the Patient Reported Outcome Training narrated slide program available on the SWOG website (www.swog.org, CRA Training, Tools of the Trade). Nurse PRO/QOL Study Coordinator Susan S. Tavernier, PhD, APRN-CNS, AOCN Assistant Professor Accelerated Nursing Program Coordinator Idaho State University School of Nursing Phone: 208/373-1783 tavesusa@isu.edu
Quality Assurance and Monitoring Elaine Armstrong, ms SWOG Quality Assurance Manager
QA/Monitoring Common Problems Regulatory: For sites using the CIRB: Consent forms deviate from the approved boilerplate language Unable to determine when consent versions were implemented Patient Case Review: Eligibility S1400: Failure to confirm ≥ 20% tumor cells by local pathologist S1400B & S1400D: Failure to continue with scheduled procedures per study calendar when treatment is delayed End of Study: Failure to capture labs (revised calendars coming soon)
QA/Monitoring Common Problems Patient Signing the correct consent form Mixing up the screening consent and the prescreening consent Patient Case Review: Treatment Failure to dose reduce per protocol Failure to document compliance to oral drugs Patient Case Review: Adverse Events Failure to report adverse events Patient Case Review: Data Quality Delinquent data Failure to collect and submit specimens
Accrual Enhancement Committee Roy Herbst, MD, PhD Study co-Chair, Medical Oncology
AEC: How We Drive Trial Enrollment Recruit New Participants: Social Media Campaigns Webinars Press/Media Promotional Video Outreach to Lung Cancer Advocacy Groups Outreach to Lung Cancer Physicians The Funnel Screening/Prescreening Protocol Revisions/New Sub-studies Help Sites Already Accruing: Phone Outreach Tracking Data Troubleshooting Materials Training Lung-MAP.org Website Medical Affairs Liaison Leadership Calls/Emails to PIs Provide Extra Support for High Accruing Sites: Accrual Planning Frequent Contact with Site Staff Personalized Materials Personalized Social Media Personalized Outreach to Patient Advocates Investigator Teleconferences Our Advisors: Trial Oversight Committee Trial Leadership Team Site Coordinators Committee Public Affairs Committee
AEC: Communication Materials Protocol Card Promotional Video Infographics for Social Media Promotion E-Brochure for Patient Distribution Website Search Engine Optimization
Protocol Card- Front
Protocol Card- Back
Site Coordinators Committee (SCC) Jessica Jordan, BA Site Coordinator Committee Chair
Site Coordinators Committee (SCC) Meet your new Lung-MAP Site Coordinators Committee (SCC) Joan Aresco Jessica Jordan Nichole Rykbos Jamie Arnett Steffany Lim Stephanie Smith Wanda M. Burdette Kathy Malatesta Tyler Workman Lavinia Dobrea Joan Moore
SCC Meetings July 8, 2016: 7 member Working Group reviewed 63 applications 11 of 12 members were selected 12th member will be a Canadian site representative to be chosen later this year Aug 10, 2016 First SCC Conference Call Sept 15, 2016 First face-to-face SCC meeting
SCC Mission To represent study site staff at the nursing, CRA, data management, and regulatory levels by providing feedback to and from the study leadership to enhance accrual and improve study management.
SCC Activities: Review & recommend accrual materials and strategies Review changes to study procedures and updates to data collection forms Provide content for the Lung-MAP newsletter Assist with planning, development, and implementation of staff training tools Participate in Update meetings Assist in promoting the study and encouraging accrual
Questions? Contact us at LungmapSCC@crab.org Have a concern or question? Want an opportunity to work with the Site Coordinator Committee members? Do you have an accrual strategy or materials you would like to share? Do you have tracking forms or procedures to help you manage Lung-MAP at your site? Send us the information or materials and include your name, study site, and contact info. Contact us at LungmapSCC@crab.org
Questions? Thank you for your time. Update The slides presented today will be available on the SWOG website S1400 Protocol Abstract page Other Study Materials S1400 Group Meeting Materials link