The ethics of representation in human participant research EDN6015F: Advanced Research Design Dr Alan Cliff, February 2014
Scenario 1 You aim to do some research on teaching large classes, using technology. Your plan is to interview colleagues who you know have done this kind of teaching before. ********* What research ethics challenges do you foresee in representing yourself as researcher to these colleagues?
Scenario 2 You seek funding sponsorship for research on the use of laptops in class to support student learning. Funders agree to provide laptops free of charge to all research participants. ********* What research ethics challenges do you foresee in representing the funders to the research participants?
Scenario 3 You plan a research study on designing technology for multi-lingual learning contexts. Your aim is to pilot the technology in various multi-lingual settings. ********* What research ethics challenges do you foresee in representing your study to possible participants?
Scenario 4 You plan a paper-based survey on learner attitudes towards the use of text messages by students to promote learning. Your plan is to distribute the survey for completion in a class. ********* What research ethics challenges do you envisage in dealing with the data that emanate from this survey?
Representations of self A researcher who may simultaneously be: Colleague Friend Peer Manager Teacher Issues of ‘objectivity’; role separation / diffusion; authenticity; congruence
Representations of research How much – and what kinds of – information about the study is/are appropriate / reasonable / warranted? What is “informed consent”? To what extent and how does one deal with the representation of funded research; research purpose; possible outcomes? What about deception? Is deception justified?
Representations of participants Issues of anonymity and confidentiality First and second-order participation Questions about rights and responsibilities of researcher/s and participants Issues of how participants are represented in research dissemination: who determines this representation? Research as a form of social regulation
Representations of ‘data’ Issues around the storage and dissemination of data Who ‘owns’ any data, such as transcripts / audio and video recordings / field notes? Can participants share in the representation of data? False disclosure issues
Representation of power Ethics submissions as forms of regulation Funding and funders’ roles and ‘conditions’ Research which exposes poor practice / mismanagement / tangential issues Issues of researcher / ‘researched’ / language / ethnicity / gender / marginalised / disempowered
Guiding principles Protection from harm Justice and fairness Beneficence Iteration and reiteration / awareness
From ‘checklist approach’ to ethical behaviour and orientation Guiding principles From ‘checklist approach’ to ethical behaviour and orientation
References Henn, M., Weinstein, M. & Foard, N. (2009) A Critical Introduction to Social Research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage. Mertens, D.M. (2009) Transformative Research and Evaluation. New York: The Guilford Press. Mertens, D.M. & Ginsberg, P. (Eds) (2009) The Handbook of Social research Ethics. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications.