National Professional Qualification in Middle Leadership “The Foundations of Leadership” WELCOME!
Developing a Vision for Change
Introductions Your co-facilitators: What do you want from us? Contacts: Kate Reeves Heather Hanrott 07940 182561 07528720985
By the end of today: Feel comfortable with your peers and facilitators and understand the protocols and ways of working together as a cohort Understand the NPQML programme and its final assessment process Explored your Vision for Leadership – for yourself and your project Understand the Key Elements of Improvement Planning Begun to use tools for Self Diagnostic and consider the 360 Review Understand your next steps
What are the key characteristics of this leader? Think of a leader you admire What are the key characteristics of this leader? How would you define their qualities? Now share your reflections with another colleague for a minute
What would you like to gain from the NPQML programme? Task: Individually: Think about what you would like to gain from the NPQML programme to support you in your professional development as a middle leader Note these thoughts and any questions on post-its In groups: Share your hopes and aspirations with a partner Add them to the A1 sheet in the room
Timetable Overview Pre and Post Session Tasks Leadership Reading Personal Coaching Within School Mentoring Peer Support Groups Date Course Outline 30 October 2017 Module 1 : A Vision for Change January 2018 Personal Coaching 1 19 January 2018 Day 2: The Process of Change 7th March 2018 Day 3: The Challenge of Change 30th April 2018 Day 4: Evaluating Change June/July 2018 Personal Coaching 7th January 2019 11th March 2019 Assignment deadlines Notify by 9th November 2018 which date you want 4 weeks Notification of outcome and feedback (8 weeks for resubmission)
Accessing the NPQML Course Materials Go to the DPSCITT Website ( Under the CPD tab, go to NPQML Course Materials Log in with the email address you provided when you applied, and the password: NPQML
How does the NPQML Programme Work? A small scale School Improvement Project You will need to lead a team within your school to reduce variation in pupil progress and attainment b) improve the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching
How does the NPQML Programme Work? Content Areas: Strategy and Improvement Teaching & Curriculum Excellence Leading with Impact Working in Partnership Managing Resources and Risks Increasing Capability
How does the NPQML Programme Work? Leadership Behaviours Commitment Collaboration Personal Drive Resilience Awareness Integrity Respect
How is the NPQML Programme Assessed? The programme will begin in the Autumn term and will last up to 4 terms by which time you will have submitted for assessment a 4,500 word assignment which covers the initiation, implementation and evaluation of the project.
How do we want to work together, and support each other as a group? Are there protocols we will need to observe?
Why are key leadership behaviours important? Task: In groups take a leadership behaviour and discuss why it matters in leadership? Record some examples of what it might look like in practice What might be the consequences for the team if this behaviour is absent in leadership?
Leadership Behaviours Self-assessment (to be completed initially before Day 2 and re-visited on Day 3 and at the end of the project) Where do you feel most confident? Why? Where do you feel least confident? Why? 360 Review– choosing others to assess your leadership (at beginning and end) Who might you involve in your 360? Why?
Managing the Process of Change Task: Individually, then in pairs, think about a change process you or others have introduced. Identify: The steps you/others took in implementing the change The time spent mapping out the steps in the implementation process The success of the change Any major problems and they were they overcome?
Kotter model for successful Change
The Kotter Model Identify: the main differences between the approach you took and the steps in the Kotter change model any steps that may be particularly effective in motivating colleagues or embedding the change process Any problems which could have been avoided or overcome by more attention to one or more of the steps indicated in the model
What sort of leader do you want to be? Here are some different images of leadership Which images resonate with your views of leadership? How do you want others to view you as a leader?
Review of the think-pieces: How do the pictures relate to the articles written by David Crossley and Debbie Robbins? What insights did you gain from these think-pieces? What inspires you to make a change in your leadership?
An introduction to the School Improvement Project and Assessment Lead an improvement project in your team, lasting at least 2 terms, aimed at improving pupil progress and attainment (part A) and the capability of your team (part B)* Submit a written account of the project to DTSP for assessment, demonstrating how you have met the criteria set out in the handbook. This should cover the initiation, implementation and evaluation of the project. It should be set out on the approved template and verified and signed by your Headteacher/line manager. Submit supporting documents/material as evidence where indicated below. Supporting evidence must be concise and directly related to your project and corresponding assessment criterion. (raw data analysis, pupil performance data, project plan, budget and risk plan)
The Assessment Must not exceed a total word count (across both parts of the project) of 4,500, excluding supporting documents or annexes. The submission dates are: January 7th 2019 March 11th 2019 You must book a submission date through the programme administrator ( by Friday 9th November 2018
Looking at previous improvement projects: Is there a clear rationale/vision for the project? How is this communicated to staff? How was the Improvement Project set up and who was involved? How did the project leader inform and involve staff in the change? What support did staff receive to ensure success? What was the impact upon the pupils? How did the project leader develop as a leader over time? Do you think any stages were omitted in the change process?
Data Sets Quantitative data: What are your data sets telling you about F/KS1/KS2? What data might you need to support baselines for your project? Qualitative Data For your project – pupil interviews/staff questionnaires etc Your leadership? 360? What else might you need to know/find out?
Improvement Planning Whole School Improvement plan – how does your Improvement Plan fit in? Your Plan: Start to draft your Project Improvement Plan
Working in Coaching Triads Protocols Taking the roles of Leader, Listener 1 & Listener 2 in turn: Leader outlines their project and rationale (5 mins) Listener 1 notes possible opportunities for leadership behaviours to be evidenced Listener 2 notes possible risks/omissions Triads discuss proposed project and support Leader in developing this (5-10 mins). [3 cycles of 15mins]
Draft Improvement Planning Time to articulate/consolidate your planning Update or add to your draft Project Improvement Plan Prepare a 2 minute presentation of your project to share with the group.
Next steps Collect and analyse the data you need for your baselines on a) the children b) your team c) your leadership ii. Outline your Improvement Plan, including the rationale on which you have based your project to your mentor/ line manager and discuss the steps you will need to take with it over the next term. iii. Complete your Improvement Plan v. Set up your first team meeting/staff development vi. Prepare to highlight any aspects of your leadership and your project that you wish to explore more fully in your coaching session
Reflection and Evaluation Do you / have you: Feel comfortable with your peers and facilitators and understand the protocols and ways of working together as a cohort Understand the NPQML programme and its final assessment process Explored your vision for leadership – for yourself and your project Understand the Key Elements of Improvement Planning Begun to use tools for Self Diagnostic and consider the 360 Review Understand your next steps? Evaluation Form to complete