A Public Private Governance Model for Zero Carbon Trade Sector ZEROTRADE A Public Private Governance Model for Zero Carbon Trade Sector LoCaRe site visit Faenza-Conselice, 27th October 2011 www.comune.cesena.fc.it/cesenambiente
CESENA CITY Cesena is situated in the heart of Emilia-Romagna Region, in the North of Italy. Cesena counts 97.056 inhabitants (at 31/12/2010). Together with Forlì it’s the capital of the Forlì-Cesena district that counts 377.993 inhabitants and 30 municipalities.
CESENA CITY COUNCIL Cesena has 30 elected town councilors, 8 of whom make up the political board. The board consists of the vice-mayor and the councilors with responsibilities for, respectively, internal human resources, training and educational affairs, health, culture, public works, environmental sustainability and European projects, urban environment (covering, for example, street works, public parks, public buildings and spaces), and public security.
EUROPEAN NETWORKING AND PROJECT EXPERIENCE The municipality is involved in other 6 European projects: ERMIS:Effective Regional Management of Innovation Systems. Funded under INTERREG IVC Programme for territorial cooperation. (2010 – 2012) SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE: Towards Zero Emission with High Performance Indoor Environment. Funded under the VII Framework programme. (2010 – 2015) HERA: Improving Police Management on Domestic Violence by Women's Empowerment. Funded under Daphne III programme. (2011 – 2013) ZEROTRADE: A Public Private Governance Model for a Zero Carbon Trade Sector. Funded under Interreg IV C programme. (2011 – 2013) REALISE: Making the Most of our Human Capital by 2020 Recently funded under the European fund for the integration of third countries nationals programmes. (2011 – 2013) CITINES: Design of a decision support tool for cities and industries energy supply planification. Recently funded under the European fund for the integration of third countries nationals programmes. (2011 – 2014)
EUROPEAN BACKGROUND Trade sector, in particular large retailers, has a significant impact on territories in term of CO2 emissions. Goods, coming from all over the world, reach consumers in their cities thanks to a large retail system, but issues connected to waste disposal, mobility of goods and energy consumptions have to be faced at local level; Cities are expected to become drivers for a more sustainable economy and to contribute to EU “20 20 20” objectives; Retailers are requested to become more and more social and environmental responsible. They are bridges between consumers and producers and they can influence purchasing decisions.
WHAT IS THE ZEROTRADE SUB-PROJECT The main objective of the ZEROTRADE sub-project is to jointly develop, test and disseminate an innovative and effective governance model where public bodies become drivers for Low Carbon Economy implementing actions to reduce CO2 emissions in Trade Sector.
ZEROTRADE OBJECTIVES promote between retailers the implementation of three types of actions: 1. to improve environmental performance of retail outlets; 2. to reduce emissions in retail’s sale and procurement system; 3. to improve quality of goods to be sold. share approaches and experiences from partner’s regions and involve, through public forums, relevant stakeholders from trade sectors as large retailers, trade associations of medium and small retailers, associations of consumers and environmental associations;
ZEROTRADE ACTIVITIES Preliminary Analysis: a. Review of best practices on PP tools and methods of governance for CO2 emissions reduction in Trade Sector at European level; b. Identify best practices of PP tools and methods of governance in participants regions and territories; c. SWOT analysis in each region focusing on legislative issues and economical features of trade sector. Share experiences: a. Compare experiences between partners; b. Identify less experienced and more experienced participants.
ZEROTRADE ACTIVITIES Develop and implement the ZEROTRADE Governance Model a. Involve relevant stakeholders from trade sector and civil society at local level; b. Define and share a set of measures and a checklist of actions to reduce CO2 emissions of trade sector; c. Design a set of green public procurements practices to be chosen and implemented by involved municipalities; d. Design Zero Carbon Local Action Plans for Trade Sector by each partner; e. Design a ZEROTRADE Governance Model from preliminary analysis and PP governance experiences of each partner.
ZEROTRADE ACTIVITIES Pilot actions a. Identify sample dealers in each participant territory; b. Test CO2 reduction actions in identified sample retail oultets; Dissemination a. Involve citizens at local and regional level through participation in pilot actions; b. Disseminate the review of best practices and the ZEROTRADE governance model at European level: Retail Forum; c. Disseminate Zero Carbon Action Plans at local level.
ZEROTRADE AT LOCAL LEVEL: IO RIDUCO! Io Riduco! is the local network that aims to involve stakeholders, retailers, consumers and environmental associations in setting up a virtuous process to reduce environmental impacts in trade sector. This will lead to an overall increase of awareness on consumers, retailers and producers as well.
THE STEPS OF THE IO RIDUCO! NETWORK Make a list of possible stakeholders and contact them to spread out the aim of the Io Riduco! Network Involving stakeholders in a participating process in order to share and define a checklist of reduction action in trade sector and a voluntary agreement Sign the voluntary agreement and improve the strategy of CO2 reduction during the process (it is not a static network, but is all-changing and modifiable model) Collect the adhesions from retail outlets and the number of checklist actions satisfied Give the Io Riduco! diploma/certification to retail outlets that satisfy the minimum point to be reached in the checklist
THE STEPS OF THE IO RIDUCO! NETWORK Spread the initiative to citizens and make them aware of this virtuous network in order to push them to look for Io Riduco! retail outlets in their purchasing Monitor and control the effectiveness of the action taken by the retail outlets, with a particular focus on the staff training Keep the checklist updated with new actions and involve different size and type of retailers Spread the project to other public authorities and make them imitate this practice
ZEROTRADE AT LOCAL LEVEL: IO RIDUCO! There is a check list of green actions to reduce environmental impacts. Each action correspond to a number of points. Adding all the points of green actions satisfied by a retail outlets is reached a class of emission reduction within the Io Riduco! network. Points range for type of retailers Superstore (2500-4000m2) Supermarket (400-2500m2) Superettes (200-400m2) Class I 50 - 59,9 40 - 49,9 30 – 39,9 Class II 60 - 79,9 50 - 69,9 40 – 54,9 Class III 80 - 109,9 70 - 99,9 55 – 69,9 Class IV 110 - 149,9 100 - 119,9 70 – 89,9 Class V 150 - 189,9 120 - 149,9 90 – 109,9 Class VI 190 - 200 150 - 165 110 - 120
ZEROTRADE AT LOCAL LEVEL: IO RIDUCO! Together with the checklist a series of training and disseminating actions will be carried out by retailers together with the support of the Municipality a coordinator: Training of retail outlets staff in order to have a different behaviour and approach to the everyday work and to the use of machine (cooling system, heating systems, lighting system, etc) Proper communication campaign towards users and consumers, in order to let them know how to have a lower environmental impact in purchasing and also in domestic habits. Proper management of waste disposal with at least 3 type of goods managed by a separated waste disposal by dealers staff Cleaning of the dealers with certified products and services .
IO RIDUCO! NETWORK Municipality as a coordinator and connection between: Large retailers (Coop Adriatica – Conad – Economy – A&O/Famila – Sma/Simply) Trade associations (Confartigianato – Cna – Ascom – Confesercenti) Small retailers (Commercio equo) Consumers associations (Federconsumatori – Adoc – Legaconsumatori) Territorial associations and local authority (ATO – Province of FC) Increase awareness reaching different targets: Consumers Producers Retailers This approach will link consumers, retailers and producers in a virtuous network of awareness, going greener, due to the mutual and ongoing pressure and influence.
LAUNCH OF THE IO RIDUCO! NETWORK 25th November 2011, within the European week for Waste Reduction the Io Riduco! Network will be inaugurated with a conference held by Luca Mercalli, author of the book “Prepariamoci” and regular guest in “Che tempo che fa” tv programme. www.ioriduco.it
FOR FURTHER INFORMATIONS Municipality of Cesena Department for Environmental Sustainibility and European Projects Lia Montalti +39 0547 356400 liamontalti@comune.cesena.fc.it Municipality of Cesena Department for environment safety and territory Elena Giovannini + 39 0547 356215 giovannini_e@comune.cesena.fc.it Web: www.comune.cesena.fc.it/ambiente www.comune.cesena.fc.it/ineuropa http://www.locareproject.eu