KEY CONCEPT Plant life began in the water and became adapted to land.
Land plants evolved from green algae. Plants and green algae have many common traits. photosynthetic eukaryotes same types of chlorophyll use starch as a storage product have cell walls with cellulose
Genetic analysis points to the common ancestor of all plants. extinct green algae species in Class Charophyceae modern charophyceans common in lakes and ponds
Important plant characteristics likely originated in charophyceans. multicellular body allowing for specialization of cells and tissues cell division that allows for chemical communication between cells reproduction involving sperm swimming to egg
True plants have embryos that develop while attached to female parent. True plants evolved through natural selection. Ancestral charophyceans lived in areas of shallow water. Those that could survive longer dry periods were favored. First true plants probably grew at edges of water. True plants have embryos that develop while attached to female parent.
True plants evolved through natural selection.
Phylogeny of plants Gymnosperms (cone-bearers) Angiosperms (Flower-bearers) Ferns Mosses Fruits Seeds Vascular tissue embryos Green algae ancestor similar to charophyceans Some biologists think that the green algae should be considered in the plant kingdom.
Plants have adaptations that allow them to live on land. Challenges of living on land have selected for certain plant adaptations. 1) A cuticle allows plants to retain moisture. waxy, waterproof layer holds moisture in
Stomata are tiny holes in the cuticle. can open and close allow air to move in and out
collection of specialized conducting tissues 2) A vascular system allows resources to move to different parts of the plant. collection of specialized conducting tissues brings water and mineral nutrients up from roots disperses sugars from the leaves allows plants to grow higher off the ground sugars water and mineral nutrients
3) Lignin allows plants to grow upright. plant cells lignin hardens cell walls of some vascular tissues provides stiffness to stems
3) Pollen grains allow for reproduction without free-standing water. pollen grains contain a cell that divides to form sperm pollen can be carried by wind or animals to female structures
4) A seed is a storage device for a plant embryo. seed coats protect embryos from drying wind and sunlight embryo develops when environment is favorable
Plants evolve with other organisms in their environment. 1) Plants and other organisms can share a mutualistic relationship. a mutualism is an interaction in which two species benefit plant roots and certain fungi (mycorhizzae) and bacteria flowering plants and their animal pollinators
2) Plants have adaptations that prevent animals from eating them. spines and thorns defensive chemicals
KEY CONCEPT Plants can be classified into nine phyla (sometimes called divisions). “Phyte” means plant.
Mosses and their relatives are seedless nonvascular plants. Nonvascular plants grow close to the ground to absorb water and nutrients. rely on free-standing water for reproduction (sperm swim)
Liverworts belong to phylum Hepatophyta because they look like little livers ( “hepato”) “phyte” means plant often grow on wet rocks or in greenhouses
Hornworts belong to phylum Anthocerophyta. found in tropical forests and along streams flat, lobed body with little green “horns” that produce spores.
Mosses belong to phylum Bryophyta. most common seedless nonvascular plants Often look like clumps of grass Do not have true leaves but some have cuticles and stomata They have rhizoids for anchoring.
Sphagnum moss sphagnum moss commonly used by humans as “peat” Does not decay when it dies, so thick deposits are called “peat”, which can be burned for fuel, around plants to absorb water, used for its antibacterial properties
Club mosses, horsetails, and ferns are seedless vascular plants. A vascular system allows club mosses and ferns to grow higher off the ground. Both need free-standing water for reproduction. Club mosses belong to phylum Lycophyta. not true mosses oldest living group of vascular plants
Ferns and their relatives belong to phylum Pterophyta. ferns have large leaves called fronds frond fiddlehead Fiddleheads are unfurled fronds
whisk ferns and horsetails are close relatives of ferns
Horsetails Horsetails – grow in wetland areas and along rivers and streams Used by settlers to scrub pots due to silica in their cell walls
Seed plants include cone-bearing plants and flowering plants. Seed plants have several advantages over their seedless ancestors. can reproduce without free-standing water, via pollination seeds nourish and protect plant embryo allow plants to disperse to new places
Seeds – contain the embryo and a supply of food, can remain dormant until conditions are right
Gymnosperms do not have seeds enclosed in fruit. most gymnosperms are cone-bearing and evergreen. the cone is reproductive structure of most gymnosperms. Two types of cones: - Male cones produce pollen - Female cones produce eggs seeds develop on scales of female cones.
Cycads are gymnosperms in phylum Cycadophyta. look like palm trees with large cones grow in tropical areas
Ginkgos are gymnosperms in phylum Ginkgophyta. grown in gardens and used in urban landscaping may be oldest living species of seed plants
Conifers are gymnosperms in phylum Coniferophyta. most common gymnosperms alive today includes pines, spruce, cedar, fir, and juniper
Angiosperms have seeds enclosed in some type of fruit. A flower is the reproductive structure of angiosperms. A fruit is a mature ovary of a flower. Angiosperms, or flowering plants, belong in phylum Anthophyta.
Fruits are mature ovaries in plants. They contain seeds.
Flowering plants have unique adaptations that allow them to dominate in today’s world. Flowers allow for efficient pollination. animals feed on pollen or nectar pollen is spread from plant to plant in process
Fruit allows for efficient seed dispersal. Fruit is flower’s ripened ovary Surrounds and protects seed(s) Many forms, each function in seed dispersal
Botanists classify flowering plants into two groups based on seed type. A cotyledon is an embryonic “seed leaf.” Monocots have a single seed leaf. leaf veins usually parallel flower parts usually in multiples of 3 bundles of vascular tissue scattered in stem
Dicots have two seed leaves. leaf veins usually netlike flower parts usually in multiples of 4 or 5 bundles of vascular tissue in rings in stem
Monocot or dicot flower?
Monocot or dicot leaves?
Monocot and dicot names comes from the number of seed leaves or cotyledons
Flowering plants are also categorized by stem type and lifespan. Stem type can be woody or herbaceous. Wood is a fibrous material made up of dead vascular cells. Wood has high concentrations of lignin and cellulose. Woody stems are stiff. Herbaceous plants do not produce wood.
There are three types of plant life spans. Annuals mature from seed, flower, and die in one year. Wheat
Biennials take two years to complete their life cycle. Ex - carrots Foxglove
Perennials live more than two years. Azaleas dandelion Big bluestem
Agriculture provides stable food supplies for people in permanent settlements. Botany is the study of plants. Ethnobotany explores how people in different cultures use plants.
People started planting for harvest about 10,000 years ago. wild species “tamed” through artificial selection farming requires people to stay in one place farming helped more socially complex centers develop Teosinte
Plant products contribute to economy on a global scale today. grains, coffee, sugar, cotton, forest products billions of dollars of plant products traded each year HowStuffWorks Videos "The World of Plants: Raw Materials"
Plant compounds are essential to modern medicine. Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their effects on the body. Many drugs are derived from plants. Salicin from willow trees is used in aspirin. Alkaloids are potent plant chemicals that contain nitrogen. Alkaloids such as taxol have anti-cancer properties. HowStuffWorks Videos "The World of Plants: Plants and Medicine"
Some medical research focuses on properties of plant compounds. studies plants used medicinally in traditional cultures develop synthetic drugs based on plant compounds Scientists Look to Plants for New Medicines