24 Hour Fitness Instructional Plan Prepared by: Nathan Hillard Spicer IV CUR /516 May 18, 2015 Dr. Patricia Luopa 24 Hour Fitness Instructional Plan Course: Sales Training – Generating Referrals Audience: Club Employees/Partners Proposed Implementation: Summer 2015
Corporate Initiatives Increase Club Memberships Build New Club Locations Improve Employee Engagement Create Strong Communities through Fitness The importance of health and fitness is prevalent throughout society. Individuals are more aware of the risks of certain eating habits and the need to establish a consistent fitness routine. Therefore, 24 Hour Fitness Clubs is motivated to supporting individuals by providing world-class service in the field of health and wellness. The current company initiatives include increasing club memberships, building new club locations, improving employee engagement, and creating strong communities through fitness (24 Hour Fitness USA, Inc., 2015). Accomplishing these corporate initiatives requires an effective plan and efficient implementation process. The following presentation will outline an instructional plan proposal for an important component related to achieving these goals.
Why Referrals? Reinforce relationships with existing club members Strengthens bond with local community Increase club members satisfaction and loyalty “Low Hanging Fruit” for membership acquisition The success of 24 Hour Fitness includes its ability to provide club members with the highest level of fitness equipment, training programs, and club amenities. The satisfaction of existing club members is key to the success of each club location. Accomplishing organizational initiatives involves continuing to provide existing club members with the quality of service they deserve. However, club locations also must continue to grow to support expansion of new club locations and maintaining the culture of existing clubs. The area of focus we will examine is the “low hanging fruit” of member referrals. Leveraging the satisfaction of existing club members through effective referral generation will help reinforce existing member satisfaction, strengthen the bond with the local community, and increase member satisfaction and loyalty. The following will detail the components of the recommended Referral Training Program and how it will help our clubs and organization to achieve our goals.
Referral Training Program Course: Provide skills and techniques for generating membership referral Target Audience: Entire Club Staff (Personal Trainers, Service, Membership, Management) Course Delivery: Blended Training Course Length: 8 sessions (1 hour sessions) The objective of the Referral Training Program is to provide each club employee with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to receive membership referrals form a variety of sources. The Training program will include the entire club staff. Personal Trainers, Service Employees, Membership, Management, and Contract Employees will all be required to participate in the program. The competency of the entire club staff will build continuity and strengthen the effectiveness of the program implementation. Delivery of the training will apply a blended modality that includes a total of eight, one hour sessions. Research shows that applying a blended learning approach helps to ensure an efficient and effective learning experience (ATD, 2015).
Training Goals and Objectives Goal: Increase Guest Referrals Objective 1: The club staff will be able to write referral name, phone number, and email address given computer, paper, pencil and appropriate form without any errors. Objective 2: The club staff will be able to call or email one guest referral given phone, computer, and accurate contact information two times per day. Objective 3: Each team member will be able to input one guest referral given referral script each day The goal of increasing guest referrals is vital to the accomplishment of organizational initiatives. The training program on generating referrals will provide employees with the skills necessary to accomplish each of the related goal objectives. The three objectives focus on an employees ability to perform the task related to generating a referral, capturing referral contact information, and contacting referral to schedule a guest appointment. The objectives follow the A-B-C-D process for creating an objective which includes a for audience, b for behavior, c for condition, and d for degree (Brown & Green, 2011). The objectives chosen for this goal use a collaborative learning method to improve effectiveness and ensure consistency.
Training Goals and Objectives Goal: Improve Team Member Engagement Objective 1: The club staff will be able to share one guest referral experience given an experience form, pencil, and allocated time once per week. Objective 2: The club staff will be able to role play the guest referral process given referral script, review sheet, and constructive feedback tools with one co-worker per day. Objective 3: The club staff will be able to list the procedures for guest referrals given their position and referral source in the correct order. The success of any corporate initiative or training program depends largely on the engagement of the learners (Williams, 2010). Therefore, the success of the sales training program on generating referrals will require the active engagement of the club staff. The goal of improving team member engagement relates to the course because as employees have a better knowledge of their roles they often feel more connected and engaged with organization success. The objectives related to this goal focus on display of their engagement by performing tasks associated with the success of generating referrals. The objectives consist of sharing success with fellow team members, assessing competence through role play, and displaying knowledge of the referral process. The use of a collaborative approach for these objectives help employees to build trust and strengthen team work.
Training Course: Strategies, Activities, and Technologies Lectures Just-in-Time Teaching Infographics Discussions Cooperative Learning Shared Workspaces Public Reviews Simulations Social Media The learning environment may consist of a variety of instructional strategies, activities, and technologies. Determining the most effective approach to delivering instruction can have a significant affect on the success of the learning program (Hodell, 2011). Therefore, the Generating Referrals training program includes a variety of collaborative techniques to engage employee participants and leverage the resources they will have available in their natural work environment. The primary strategies for instruction include lectures, discussions and public reviews. These strategies will provides students with the knowledge to perform the processes they are learning and also an opportunity to receive feedback on their proficiency in their newly acquired skills. The training program will continue outside of the formal sessions; therefore, using just-in-time teaching, cooperative learning, and simulation activities will reinforce the processes learned throughout the formal training sessions. Incorporating technologies like infographics, shared workspaces, and social media will allow student to use creativity and increase efficiency of the referral generation process.
Training Program Timeline First Session: June 1, 2015 Final Session: June 26, 2015 Schedule Participants Resources/Materials 4 weeks Facilitators: Club Managers, Service Managers Training Materials, Worksheets, Digital Content 2 sessions per week Administrators: Human Resource and District Manager Computer Workstations and Training Facility 1 hour per session Students: All Club Employees Internet/Intranet and Customer Data The implementation of this training program is important to the short term and long term goals of our organization. I recommend that the first session begin June 1, 2015 and finish June 26, 2015. The program will consist of 8 training sessions over the course of 4 weeks with 2 sessions occurring per week. The session will be an hour in length and be facilitated by a local Club Manager or Service Manager in the Los Angeles Market. The students will consist of all club employees in the Los Angeles Market. In addition, Human Resources and the District Manager will provide administrative support for the training program. The resources and materials necessary for implementation of this program include training materials such as referral process handbook, referral scripting, sample social media content, and procedure based worksheets. The course will also need a training facility with computer workstations that are connected to the internet. The ability to access customer data will also help to deliver the content accurately.
Implementation Strategy Communication Plan Club Meetings Employee Email and Paystub Notices Build Interest One on One reviews with staff discussing program Present rewards and compensation benefits Select Participants Identify team members that are seeking advancement opportunities Identify team members that regularly interact with club members Formative Assessment Peer/Self Assessments Observations Discussion Constructive Quizzes Practice Presentations The implementation process of a training program is the opportunity to put to work a learning program. However, implementing a training plan also requires and appropriate strategy to ensure effectiveness. The implementation process should include a communication plan, build interest and commitment, and appropriate selection of learning participants. The implementation strategy for this training program includes communicating the upcoming training through daily club meetings with management and staff and informing employees through email and paystub notices. Management will be responsible for building interest and commitment through one on one reviews with team members and presenting the rewards and potential compensation benefits the training will provide. The selection of club staff is important to ensure the correct employees are selected for the training. The requirements include team members that are currently seeking advancement and team members that regularly interact with club members. These individuals will have the motivation and the opportunity to leverage the program. An assessment is also beneficial to the implementation process to determine the success of the identified learning objectives. Some examples of formative assessments that will be used include peer/self assessments, observations, discussion, constructive quizzes, and practice presentations (West Virginia Department of Education, n.d.). Each of these assessments will provide an informal method of evaluating the progress of student learners.
Evaluation : Guest Referrals Accurate Guest Referrals Criteria: Number of guest referrals submitted through approved channels Criteria: Percentage of guest referrals input without any errors Call/Email 1 Guest Referral/day Criteria: Number of emails submitted to guest referrals Criteria: Number of phone calls to guest referrals Criteria: Percentage of bad phone numbers or emails 1 Guest Referral/day Criteria: Number of customer interactions per day Criteria: Percentage of guest referrals input by each team member Criteria: Number of guest referrals input by each team member each day The evaluation of instructional objectives includes the development of specific criteria that accurately measures the results. The table list the criteria for each of the objectives related to the goal of increasing guest referrals. Measurement of the number of referrals, accurateness of the referrals, and referrals contacted will provide evidence to determine whether the training program achieve this goal.
Evaluation : Team Member Engagement 1 Guest Referral Experience/ day Criteria: Number of guest referrals experiences submitted by each team member per week Criteria: Content of each guest referral experience (includes date, name, and how) Role Play Guest Referral Process Criteria: Number of role play observed by management each day Criteria: Number of accurately completed role play observed by management each day List Guest Referral Process Criteria: Number of test administered per week on guest referral process Criteria: Number of 100% test scores on guest referral process Criteria: Percentage of 100% test scores recorded per week The second goal for the training program is to increase team member engagement. Employees that are engaged in the processes are more likely to put the effort necessary for the process to have success. Measurement of the number of guest referral experiences shared, quality of each experience, number of accurate role plays performed each day, and percentage of 100% scores on referral process will identify the level of engagement of the team. The results of this evaluation will identify if the team needs additional engagement related activities or if further revision is required to the existing program.
Evaluation : Instruments and Outcomes Matching Test Observation Sheet Guest Referral Worksheet Rubric Positive Outcomes High percentage of passing test Acceptable role play observation Negative Outcomes No change in guest referrals Unacceptable rubric ratings The evaluation process requires the use of evaluation instruments that assess the results of learning objectives. The primary evaluation instruments that will be used for this instructional plan include a matching test, observation sheet, and a guest referral worksheet rubric. The results of the evaluation process may include possible positive outcomes such as high percentage of passing test and acceptable role play observations. However, negative outcomes could include no change in guest referrals or unacceptable guest referral rubric ratings.
Evaluation: Overview Potential Results Identify need for revision of referral process Creation of similar programs because of successful outcomes Identify need for additional team member engagement courses Development of training series model after this program The results of this training program will provide valuable information for goals outlined but also will assist with the development of future training programs. The data may encourage the use of this training model for future goals and objectives if the criteria is met. However, if the outcome is not significant or has a negative impact then the data can be used to identify specific areas of adjustment for the development of a new plan. Regardless of the outcome, the implementation of this plan will provide valuable data that will help our organization to move forward towards achieving company initiatives.
Next Steps… Develop Training Materials Schedule Team Member Training Sessions Assign facilitator dates for Club Managers Deliver communications to employees Monitor progress and track results The corporate initiatives that have been developed are important to the short term and long term goals of 24 Hour Fitness. The training plan to focus on generating guest referrals will help to support these initiatives and build the culture of fitness and health throughout our communities. So, let’s begin by developing the necessary training materials, scheduling training sessions, assign facilitators and deliver communications to the team. Implementing this program will allow us to monitor its important progress, track results, and take the next step towards accomplishing our goals.
References ATD. (2015). Designing Learning for a 21st Century Workforce . Retrieved from https://www.td.org/Publications/Magazines/TD/TD- Archive/2012/04/Designing-Learning-for-a-21St-Century-Workforce Brown, A., & Green, T.D. (2011). The Essentials of Instructional Design: Connecting Fundamental Principles with Process and Practice (2nd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Hodell, C. (2011). ISD From the Ground up: A No-Nonsense Approach to Instructional Design (3rd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
References 24 Hour Fitness USA, Inc.. (2015). About Us. Retrieved from http://www.24hourfitness.com/company/about_us/ West Virginia Department of Education. (n.d.). Examples of Formative Assessment . Retrieved from http://wvde.state.wv.us/teach21/ExamplesofFormativeAssessment.html Williams, R. (2010). Employee Engagement Define It, Measure It and Put It to Work in Your Organization. Retrieved from http://www.workforce.com/articles/employee-engagement-define-it-measure- it-and-put-it-to-work-in-your-organization