4th Grade ICAP Academic Planning Understanding your Report Card A Lesson on Standard Based Grades Denver Public Schools Counseling Program – ICAP, Individual Career and Academic Plan
PRE-Test Time
Standard Based Grades With Standard Based Grading we use NUMBERS as the mark for our grades. The numbers are 4 3 2 1 We are going to play a game to understand what these numbers mean! With your background knowledge, try to find your match. Grades are a way we measure our learning. Standards Based Grading lets you know if you are in the right place for your learning. You are going to learn more about what the actual standards are in our second activity. For this activity, we are learning about what your grades mean. We use numbers as the marks to understand our grades. Does anybody know what are the marks or the grades we get? (answer: 1,2,3,4.) Did you know your grades and report cards look different than what your parents used to get on their report cards? So you will be your parents’ teachers!
Match the Grade to the Correct Definition Game #1
Rules of the Game “Find your Standard Based Grade Match” People with Partner 1 cards stand on one side of the room and students with Partner 2 cards stand on the other side of the room. Partner 1s have the Standard based Grade or number, and Partner 2s have the Definition of the grade. When counselor says go, you will walk across the room and see if you can find your partner. You will keep you card facing down until you and a student across the room nod at each other as a way to agree to show each other your cards. Each partner shows their card. In your duos, discuss if you think you have the matching cards. Once you flip your card you HAVE to have a conversation with that person. Even if someone doesn’t think they have a match, you have to explain to each other why you do not think you are a match. You will face your card down again until you find another student who is willing to flip their card over. You must both nod at each other and then you flip! Do this until you find your match. Have a discussion why your cards do or do not match. Once you think you have found your match sit down in your duo. You can wait and talk quietly until everyone finds their match. Be ready to explain your reasoning!
Standard Based Grade Above expectations for this standard. Student’s work and learning demonstrates s/he is far ahead of where students are expected to be.
Standard Based Grade Meeting the Standard! Student’s work and learning demonstrates s/he is at grade level for this standard.
Standard Based Grade Approaching the Standard Student has made some progress in meeting the standard. Some support and intervention needed.
Standard Based Grade Not Meeting the Standard Requires extra effort and intervention to meet the standard.
Summary Slide – Standard Based Grades You are above grade level in meeting this standard! Keep up the hard work. You are EXACTLY where you should be for this standard – AT grade level! Keep up the hard work. You are approaching where you need to be for this standard. You will need some support and intervention, and hard work. You are below grade level for this standard. You will need extra intervention and support, and hard work.
What Subject does your Standard Belong? Game/Activity #2
Rules of the Game “Where do the Standards Belong?” We are working together as a class. Everybody has to work together until you all think each person is in the right place. There are signs hung up around the room. These are some the subjects you take in 4th grade. Each Student gets a card. Your card is a standard that belongs under each of these subjects. Go stand by the Subject Sign you believe your Standard belongs to. Once you get other members standing next to you, show each other your cards, and have a discussion about why you think your standard belongs there. What do you know about the words on your card? Why do you think you belong to that subject? If you believe someone is in the wrong group, help them think through where you believe they belong. Say something like, “I think your standard might belong in the subject “blank” because I know “blank”. Do NOT say “You’re wrong!” or “That doesn’t belong here!” Make sure you are having cooperative conservations to help everyone get their standard card to the right place. Remember, you are working together as a class to get to the all the standards in the correct subject group.
Rules of the Game (continued) “Where do the Standards Belong?” When you all think every student is under the right subject sign. Talk with your group. You will choose a spokesperson. Your spokesperson will tell the class the name of your subject and read the standards which are part of the subject. You will also share one more important conversation piece from your group, examples: What were some the clues that helped you get everyone in the right place? Did you have background knowledge that helped you? Was there anything interesting you would like to share? Is there any standard that you don’t know what the words mean and want to ask the class to see if anyone else knows? When you think you have everyone in the whole class is in correct placement and your group is ready to share, hold your thumbs up to signal to your counselor and teacher that you are ready to talk about your learning about Subjects and Standards.
Subject Spokesperson will share: Name of Subject The standards in the subject are…. One more important conversation piece: Clues that helped us all get in place were… Background knowledge that helped us…. Something interesting we would like to share is… We don’t know what these words mean “_________” Does anyone in the class have an idea to help us understand this standard?
Class Discussion: Why is it important to be aware of the Standards on our Report Cards? Effort showed up in every group! Did you know there is research that you put forth effort, then your grades will go up? Hard work matters – you have to believe your brain can grow! (Growth Mindset) Even if you are getting 1s and 2s in a certain subject, you can show your parents that you are working hard (hopefully getting 3s and 4s on “Effort.”) Let them know if you keep up the hard work, your grades should go up in the other standards too.
Here are some more standards on your report card which are in your control!
Class Discussion: Why is it important to be aware of the Standards on our report card? To become an educated Student…. You must learn different Subjects Each subject has Standards of where you should be during each grade level Each day you show up to school, you have Daily Learning Objectives to help you understand a standard Then on your report card, you will get feedback (1s, 2s, 3s, or 4s) on how you are meeting each standard. You can use this information to know where you need to work!
Post – Test Time