Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Lecture Presentation by Nicole Tunbridge and Kathleen Fitzpatrick Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Concept 46.1: Both asexual and sexual reproduction occur in the animal kingdom Reproduction Creation of an offspring Sexual Reproduction Fusion of a male gamete (sperm) and female gamete (egg) to form a zygote Asexual Reproduction No fusion of gametes. Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Mechanisms of Asexual Reproduction Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Mechanisms of Asexual Reproduction Budding: Simple form of asexual reproduction only among invertebrates New individuals arise from outgrowths of existing individuals Fission: Separation of a parent into two or more individuals of about the same size by many invertebrates Fragmentation: Breaking of the body into pieces some or all develop into adults Must be accompanied by regeneration of lost parts Parthenogenesis: Development of an unfertilized egg a new individual Mostly invertebrates, rarely in some vertebrates Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Sexual Reproduction: An Evolutionary Enigma Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Sexual Reproduction: An Evolutionary Enigma “Two-fold cost” of Sexual Reproduction Sexual females have half as many daughters as asexual females Almost all eukaryotic species reproduce sexually Asexual Reproduction: Advantageous in stable, favorable environments Sexual Reproduction: Produces genetically varied offspring varied phenotypes enhance reproductive success of parents when environmental factors change relatively rapidly Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Figure 46.3-3 Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction Generation 1 Female Female Generation 2 Male Generation 3 Figure 46.3-3 The “reproductive handicap” of sex (step 3) Generation 4 Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Reproductive Cycles Some organisms can reproduce sexually or asexually, depending on conditions Controlled by hormones and/or environmental cues Most animals exhibit cycles correlate with seasons Climate change can decrease reproductive success Seasonal temperature is often an important reproductive cue Ovulation: Release of mature eggs triggered by hormones at midpoint of female cycle Several genera of fishes, amphibians, and lizards reproduce only by parthenogenesis Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Figure 46.4 (a) A. uniparens females Ovary size Ovulation Ovulation Progesterone Estradiol Hormone level Figure 46.4 Sexual behavior in parthenogenetic lizards Time Behavior: Female Male- like Female Male- like (b) The changes in sexual behavior of A. uniparens individuals are correlated with the cycles of ovulation. Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Variation in Patterns of Sexual Reproduction Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Variation in Patterns of Sexual Reproduction Hermaphroditism Finding a mate for reproduction may be challenging Solution: Hermaphroditism Each individual has male & female reproductive systems 2 hermaphrodites can mate some hermaphrodites can self-fertilize Individuals of some species undergo sex reversals Male Female Female Male Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Concept 46.2: Fertilization depends on mechanisms that bring together sperm and eggs of the same species Fertilization: Union of egg + sperm External Fertilization: Eggs shed by the female Fertilized by sperm in the external environment Moist habitat is always required for external fertilization Allows sperm to swim to the egg Prevents the gametes from drying out Some species exhibit spawning, triggered by chemical signals or environmental cues. Individuals cluster in the same area to release gametes into water simultaneously. Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Internal Fertilization Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Internal Fertilization Requires behavioral interactions Requires compatible copulatory organs Sperm deposited in or near the female reproductive tract Fertilization occurs within the tract Fertilization timing mediated by environmental cues, pheromones, and/or courtship behaviors Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Ensuring the Survival of Offspring Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Ensuring the Survival of Offspring Internal Fertilization Yields fewer gametes than external fertilization Survival % of zygotes higher Mechanisms provide protection of embryos Parental care of young helps ensure survival of offspring Some Terrestrial Animals: Embryos develop in eggs Ca/protein-containing shells & internal membranes Other animals retain embryo: Develops inside female Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Gamete Production and Delivery Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Gamete Production and Delivery Gamete production required for sexual reproduction Most species have gonads to produce gametes Simple systems lack gonads Gametes form from undifferentiated tissue Elaborate systems include accessory tubes & glands Carry, nourish, and protect gametes/developing embryos Insects have separate sexes & complex systems Female has a spermatheca Sperm stored during copulation Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Figure 46.7 Accessory gland 1 Testis 2 Vas deferens 4 Ejaculatory duct 3 Seminal vesicle 5 Penis and claspers (a) Male fruit fly 1 Ovary Figure 46.7 Insect reproductive anatomy 2 Oviduct Spermatheca Accessory gland Uterus 3 Vulva (b) Female fruit fly Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Cloaca Opening between external environment and the digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems Common in nonmammalian vertebrates Mammals: Separate opening to the digestive tract Monogamy: Rare among animals Males and/or females of some species evolved mechanisms to decrease chance of the mate mating with another individual Females can influence relative reproductive success of mates Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Concept 46.3: Reproductive organs produce and transport gametes Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Concept 46.3: Reproductive organs produce and transport gametes Human Male Reproductive Structures Gonads: Produce sperm and hormones Seminiferous Tubules: Site of sperm formation Leydig Cells: Produce hormones Scattered between the tubules Production of healthy sperm cannot occur at the body temperatures of most mammals Accessory Glands: Secrete products needed for sperm movement Ducts: Carry sperm and glandular secretions Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Human Female Reproductive Structures Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Human Female Reproductive Structures Gonads: Ovaries (abdominal cavity) Contains follicles with oocytes surrounded by support cells Oocyte: A partially developed egg Oviduct: Egg cell travels as cilia convey ovary uterus Travels via fallopian tubes Mammary Glands: Small sacs of epithelial tissue secrete milk Not part of the reproductive system Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Gametogenesis Gametogenesis: Production of gametes Spermatogenesis: Formation of sperm, Continuous & prolific Hundreds of millions of sperm are produced per day Each sperm takes about 7 weeks to develop Oogenesis: Development of a mature egg Prolonged process Immature eggs form in the female embryo Development completed years, or decades later Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Epididymis Primordial germ cell in embryo Seminiferous tubule Key Diploid (2n) Mitotic divisions Haploid (n) Spermatogonial stem cell 2n Lumen Mitotic divisions Testis Spermatogonium 2n Mitotic divisions Sertoli cell nucleus Primary spermatocyte 2n Meiosis I Secondary spermatocyte n n Spermatids Meiosis II Figure 46.11a Exploring human gametogenesis (part 1: spermatogenesis) Early spermatid n n n n Neck Tail Plasma membrane Midpiece Head Differentiation Lumen of seminiferous tubule Nucleus Sperm cell n n n n Acrosome Mitochondria Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Primordial germ cell Ovary Mitotic divisions Follicle 2n Oogonium Primary oocyte within follicle Mitotic divisions Primary oocyte (present at birth), arrested in prophase of meiosis I 2n Growing follicle IN EMBRYO STARTING AT PUBERTY Completion of meiosis I and onset of meiosis II n n Secondary oocyte, arrested at metaphase of meiosis II First polar body Mature follicle Ovulation, sperm entry Ruptured follicle Completion of meiosis II Second polar body Figure 46.11b Exploring human gametogenesis (part 2: oogenesis) n Ovulated secondary oocyte n Fertilized egg Corpus luteum Degenerating corpus luteum Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Spermatogenesis vs. Oogenesis All four products of meiosis develop into sperm Occurs throughout adolescence & adulthood Sperm are produced continuously Only one of the four products of meiosis becomes an egg Begins in fetus, matures years later Prolonged interruptions in egg development
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Human gametogenesis Spermatogenesis Oogenesis Primary spermatocyte Primary oocyte 2n 2n n Polar body Secondary spermatocytes Secondary oocyte n n n n n n n Spermatids Sperm n n n n Figure 46.UN03 Summary of key concepts: human gametogenesis n Polar body Fertilized egg n Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Concept 46.4: The interplay of tropic and sex hormones regulates mammalian reproduction Humans: Coordinated by hormones secreted by hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, and gonads Gamete production, mating behavior, development of primary & secondary sex characteristics Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH): Secreted by hypothalamus Directs the release of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) From the anterior pituitary Regulate processes in gonads & production of sex hormones Testosterone: Main androgen (steroid) Estrogens: Estradiol & Progesterone (steroid) Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Hormonal Control of Male Reproductive System Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Hormonal Control of Male Reproductive System Testosterone regulates the production of GnRH, FSH, and LH through negative feedback mechanisms FSH promotes activity of Sertoli cells Nourish developing sperm Sertoli Cells: Secrete inhibin (hormone) Reduces FSH secretion from the anterior pituitary LH regulates Leydig cells Secrete testosterone and other androgens Promotes spermatogenesis Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Figure 46.13 Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Hypothalamus GnRH Anterior pituitary FSH LH Negative feedback Negative feedback Sertoli cells Leydig cells Figure 46.13 Hormonal control of the testes Inhibin Testosterone Spermatogenesis TESTIS Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Hormonal Control of Female Reproductive Cycles Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Hormonal Control of Female Reproductive Cycles Secretion of hormones and regulated reproductive events are cyclic Ovarian Cycle GnRH released FSH & LH stimulate follicle growth Estradiol increases secondary oocyte released Follicular tissue corpus luteum secretes progesterone and estradiol negative feedback on hypothalamus and pituitary Uterine Cycle Secretion of nutrients, shedding of the endometrium coordinates with growth of new ovarian follicles New cycle begins if no embryo implantation Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Menopause After ~500 cycles, human females ovulation and menstruation ceases. Rare among animals May have evolved to allow a mother to provide better care for her children and grandchildren Perhaps humans are living beyond their intended biological lifespans? Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Menstrual Versus Estrous Cycles Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Menstrual Versus Estrous Cycles Menstrual Cycles Characteristic only of humans and some other primates Estrous Cycles Characteristic of most mammals Sexual receptivity is limited to a “heat” period called estrus Length and frequency of estrous cycles vary by species Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Figure 46.15 3 Cleavage 4 Cleavage continues. Ovary 2 Fertilization Uterus 5 Implantation 1 Ovulation Figure 46.15 Formation of a human zygote and early postfertilization events Endometrium Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Concept 46.5: In placental mammals, an embryo develops fully within the mother’s uterus Conception, Embryonic Development, and Birth Conception: Fertilization of egg by sperm in oviduct Zygote divides by mitosis (cleavage) blastocyst embryo implants Blastocyst: Ball of cells with central cavity Pregnancy/Gestation: Carrying 1 or more embryos in the uterus Duration of pregnancy correlates with body size and maturity of the young at birth in most species Human Gestation: ~9 months (3 equal trimesters) Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Maternal Immune Tolerance of the Embryo and Fetus Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Maternal Immune Tolerance of the Embryo and Fetus A woman’s acceptance of her “foreign” offspring is not fully understood May be due to suppression of immune response in her uterus Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Figure 46.17 (a) 5 weeks Figure 46.17 Some stages of human development during the first and second trimesters (b) 14 weeks (c) 20 weeks Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction First Trimester Most radical changes for both mother and embryo Implanted embryo secretes hormones regulate mother’s reproductive system Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG): Maintains secretion of progesterone and estrogens Organogenesis: Development of the body organs Embryo Fetus: Many major structures present Not all embryos capable of completing development Many spontaneously stop due to chromosomal or developmental abnormalities Ectopic Pregnancy: Fertilized egg lodges in fallopian tube Can be fatal. Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Early Embryonic Development Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Early Embryonic Development At 2-4 weeks: Embryo obtains nutrients directly from endometrium Trophoblast: Outer layer of blastocyst Endometrium + Trophoblast Placenta Monozygotic Twins (Genetically Identical) Splitting of embryo during 1st month of development Dizygotic (Fraternal) Twins (Genetically Distinct) Release and fertilization of two eggs Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Second and Third Trimesters Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Second and Third Trimesters Second Trimester The fetus grows and is very active mother may feel fetal movements Uterus grows pregnancy shows Third Trimester Fetus grows and fills the space within the embryonic membranes Childbirth Labor is regulated by prostaglandins, estradiol, and oxytocin Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Figure 46.18 Estradiol Oxytocin from ovaries from fetus and mother’s posterior pituitary Activates oxytocin receptors on uterus Stimulates uterus to contract Positive feedback Stimulates placenta to make Figure 46.18 Positive feedback in labor Prostaglandins Stimulate more contractions of uterus Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Contraception Deliberate prevention of pregnancy: Preventing release of eggs and sperm Keeping sperm and egg apart Preventing implantation of an embryo Method of Contraception How it works… Or does it? Rhythm Method Refrain from intercourse around ovulation. 10–20% Coitus Interruptus Withdrawal before ejaculation. UNRELIABLE Barrier Methods Use of condom or diaphragm. 10% Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) Device interferes with implantation; increases risk of ectopic pregnancy. less than 1% Female Birth Control Pills Hormones suppress ovulation. Sterilization Tubal Ligation: Ties off the oviducts Vasectomy: Ties off the vas deferens Almost 0%! Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Figure 46.20 Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction MALE FEMALE Method Event Event Method Production of sperm Production of primary oocytes Vasectomy Combination birth control pill (or injection, patch, or vaginal ring) Sperm transport down male duct system Oocyte development and ovulation Abstinence Abstinence Condom Female condom Coitus interruptus (very high failure rate) Sperm deposited in vagina Capture of the oocyte by the oviduct Tubal ligation Spermicides; diaphragm; progestin alone (as minipill or injection) Sperm movement through female reproductive tract Transport of oocyte in oviduct Figure 46.20 Mechanisms of several contraceptive methods Meeting of sperm and oocyte in oviduct Morning-after pill; intrauterine device (IUD) Union of sperm and egg Implantation of blastocyst in endometrium Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Infertility and In Vitro Fertilization Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Infertility and In Vitro Fertilization Causes vary greatly with men and women equally Preventable Causes STDs are most significant In vitro fertilization (IVF): Mixes eggs with sperm in culture dishes Returns embryo to uterus at 8-cell stage Sperm, or sperm nuclei, can also be injected directly into an oocyte Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
In vitro Fertilization Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction In vitro Fertilization Figure 46.21 In vitro fertilization (IVF) Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Detecting Disorders During Pregnancy Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Detecting Disorders During Pregnancy Noninvasive Procedures Ultrasound imaging Invasive Procedures Amniocentesis & Chorionic Villus Sampling Amniotic fluid or fetal cells obtained for genetic testing Genetic testing of fetus poses ethical questions Presents parents with difficult decisions Almost all detectable disorders are untreatable in the uterus Many disorders cannot be corrected after birth CRISP-Cas9 Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms
Chapter 46 - Animal Reproduction Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy Miscarriage: Spontaneous abortion Occurs in up to 1/3 of all pregnancies Common during the first trimester Drug-induced: Nonsurgical RU486 terminates a pregnancy within first 7-weeks Prior to full development of the fetus. Unit 4: New Cells & Organisms