Male Reproductive Anatomy Day 1
Reproduction Overview What is reproduction? Why do we care? Fuzzy bunny’s guide to you-know-what Emphasize scientific terminology; nervous gigglers etc. Anatomy not feelings; safe sex; when you’re ready. May be surprised what you don’t know about the opposite sex (or yourself!) Somethings may not be understood from previous grades (even though talked about) so we’re going through it all – be respectful etc! [ie. Uncircumcised v. circumsized]
Main Ideas Need to reproduce! Each sex has specialized parts, controlled by hormones
Male Organs Give as handout! Sac = scrotum; testes inside [inside is where sperm is made…see upcoming slides] Urethra – semen & urine! Vas def – from epididymis to urethra Seminal vesicle – makes most of seminal fluid (incl. fructose – energy for sperm!) Prostate gland – makes alkaline (basic) solution – stimulates uterine contractions Cowpers gland – adds mucus
Male Organs Rectum Bladder Seminal Vesicle Prostate Gland Sac = scrotum; testes inside [inside is where sperm is made…see upcoming slides] Urethra – semen & urine! Vas def – from epididymis to urethra Seminal vesicle – makes most of seminal fluid (incl. fructose – energy for sperm!) Prostate gland – makes alkaline (basic) solution – stimulates uterine contractions Cowpers gland – adds mucus Cowper’s Gland Vas Deferens Epidydmis Testes Penis Scrotum Urethra
Testes 38°C Too Hot! 32°C Just right! In sac called scrotum Kept away from body lower temperature optimum for sperm production 38°C Too Hot! 32°C Just right!
Testes Top to bottom Blood vessels Vas deferens (connects to urethra) Body of testicle – has seminiferous tubules -- spermatogenesis Body of epididymis – coiled tubes where sperm mature
Anatomy Overview Functions to: A) produce sperm – testes B) store sperm – epidydmis, vas deferens C) produce seminal fluids – prostate gland, Cowper’s gland, seminal vesicles D) conduct semen to female - penis
Sperm Made in seminiferous tubules Matures in epididymis Stored in vas deferens
Sperm Stores enzymes to penetrate egg Contains nucleus Aka. Middle piece – contains mitochondria to provide NRG for tail Aka. Flagellum Used to propel itself
To Do’s Questions [sheet] Provincial questions 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 16-19, 22, 23, 29, 34, 38, 44-46, 52, 53, 57, 60, 61, 68, 71, 74 Dictionary or Quizlet scrotum, testes, epididymus, vas deferens, cowpers glad, prostate gland, seminal vesicle
Male Reproductive Anatomy Day 2
Male repro system clip
Male Reproductive Hormones Controlled by hypothalamus
Male Reproductive Hormones Testosterone FSH Normal development and functioning of sex organs Puberty development Secondary sex. Characters [deep voice; height; muscles; hair] “follicle stimulated hormone” Targets seminiferous tubules Initiates sperm production
Male Reproductive Hormones Testosterone FSH Synthesis: signaled by chain reaction of hormones from brain to testicular cells Made in testicular cells Synthesis: signaled by hormone chain reaction in brain Made in anterior pituitary, targets seminiferous tubules
Secretes GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) Hypothalamus Secretes GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) Anterior Piruitary Secretes LH (leuteinizing hormone) Interstitial cells Secrete Testosterone In text; will have questions to help you piece together (see schoology!)
Secretes GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) Hypothalamus Secretes GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) Anterior Piruitary Secretes FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) Seminiferous Tubules Spermatogenesis In text; will have questions to help you piece together (see schoology!)
With Age On average, male reproductive function remains normal [or only slightly diminished] until advanced old age Subtle changes Decr. GnRH Decr. Sensitivity to feedback of GnRH and LH Sensitivitity to produce: feedback mech. To inhibit or continue producing…. Decreased feedback loop.
Prostate Aging Prostate cancer – most common cancer among men Men should begin annual doctor’s exam at 50 (45 if family history)
Don’t write the following
Prostate Aging After 40 Outer regions atrophy, secretory cells flatten inner regions: number of cells increases After 60 Slower but more atrophy Accumulation of prostate concentrations
Preventing Pregnancy Vasectomy Vas deferens from each testicle is clamped/cut Intercourse is normal, but no sperm in semen Short procedure – 20-30 min, laproscopic
Vasectomy – interesting things body continues to produce sperm, but reabsorbed by body and broken down same as if you haven’t ejaculated after a while Must still use alternate form of birth control until a semen sample returns 0 sperm – can take up to several months for all sperm to be reabsorbed
Vasectomy Clip American dad s02e06 10:32-11:55 [talks about no children…fast simple procedure, asks to bank sperm] – can’t always reverse, but easier to reverse than female
To Do’s Questions Sheet Prov Qs 8, 12, 13, 25, 33, 47, 62, 64, 69, 87 Dictionary or Quizlet testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone, secondary sex characterists