CORE CLASSES ELA, American History, Pre-Algebra, Science Regular: These classes cover the state required information in each of the subject areas. They will successfully prepare students for CP classes in High School. ELA Pre-AP, Pre-Algebra Pre-AP, Science Pre-AP and American History Pre-AP: Are the recommended course work for students interested in taking AP courses in high school. These courses are designed for strong readers and writers and those students who wish to learn at a higher cognitive level. Summer reading will be required of all ELA Pre-AP students.
High School Credit Core Classes Algebra I Pre-AP: Fulfills one high school math credit. Students will take the Algebra I EOC at the end of the course. Only students who have successfully completed Course 3 will be able to enroll. Algebra I/Geometry Pre-AP: Students must receive Advanced Performance on the 8th grade STAAR exam and have an end of the year average in Course 3 > 90. Students enrolled in this accelerated class will complete two high school math credits. Integrated Physics and Chemistry: Students must be enrolled in Algebra I to enroll in this course. Students will earn one high school science credit by successfully completing this course. It takes the place of 8th grade science.
Full Year Elective Classes Boys’ Athletics Girls’ Athletics Tennis Cross Country PE Theatre Arts Production(try out required) Band Mariachi Girls’ Choir Boys’ Choir Yearbook(must apply) Art II Spanish I E(High School Credit) Spanish I S (High School Credit)
Semester Electives Theatre Arts I Art I Computer Applications Teen Leadership Piano 1 Plus . . . .The following electives
Gateway To Technology(GTT) Pre-Engineering Course 2 separate 9 week units Design and Modeling Automation and Robotics Open to students currently taking Pre-Algebra or with a recommendation from Math and Science teacher Application required. Students earn ½ high school elective credit.
Career Exploration Through the use of career exploration software students will explore their interests and careers to better determine their future course of study. Students will learn about high school graduation requirements and narrow down career choices to help choose their high school endorsement. Students will learn about college and career readiness, college planning and financial literacy.
Speech Students will receive ½ high school credit. Students will develop effective communication skills for use in both social and professional situations. Students will be required to make several speeches in front of their peers. It covers interpersonal and group communication as well as interviewing and public speaking skills.
Health Students enrolled in this course receive ½ high school credit. This course covers the following topics: your body, general health, appearance in daily life, understanding your feelings, dangerous habits, understanding diseases, family health and safety and health and the community.
Keyboarding Students will be taught the proper way to type on a keyboard which will help them in future course work as they will be able to complete tasks more quickly and efficiently. This will also help them with the high school EOC’s as all are in an online format. Students will also learn the proper format for typing memos and letters.
Creative Writing Have you ever dreamed of becoming a writer? Do you like to write for fun? If so, this is the course for you. Students will be exposed to a variety of writing genres—poetry, short story, fiction, non-fiction, drama, etc. Your creativity and writing skills will be enhanced through this class for aspiring authors.
Piano 2 This class is our more advanced piano class for those students who completed piano 1 or have had previous piano experience.
Library Aide Students enrolled in these courses will assist the library staff with their daily tasks. Only those students with acceptable grades, attendance, and discipline will be selected for this class.