Application of Pseudo Code App Inventor Application of Pseudo Code
Learning Outcomes LO1: Recall key words associated with pseudo code (sequence, selection, iteration). LO2: Demonstrate application of pseudo code for parts of App.
Can be expressed in pseudo code and flowcharts. Algorithm= a sequence of steps to solve a problem. Is a procedure in terms of action to be executed (taken) and order in which their executed (done). Eg recipe in a cook book Can be expressed in pseudo code and flowcharts. G3U Point out the iteration and sequencing of the flow chart etc. Big bang algorithm
Starter activity sheet match the definitions sheet!
Pseudo Code General way of describing an algorithm. It closely resembles the structure of a programming language but does not use the specific syntax. Allows you to include control structures such as WHILE, IF-THEN-ELSE
Statement 1, Statement 2, Statement 3 Pseudo code key words SEQUENCE- statements executed in order Statement 1, Statement 2, Statement 3 SELECTION-To complete a Selection we need to tell the program what to look for and then make a decision. IF, THEN, ELSE, ENDIF ITERATION- Where a set of instructions is repeated. WHILE, DO, FOR
Procedures in Your App’s What are all the procedures that happen in your App’s? Launch button to home screen Launch button Post to fb button Button for taking a picture Button to start the quiz Button for correct answer in the quiz Post to FB button
My App Selection IF shake phone THEN go to screen 2 ELSE stay on home screen END IF Iteration WHILE screen 1 is displayed DO play sound 1 DO display image 1 DO display text label 1 END WHILE Previous to this would be the pseudo code for initially launching the App
Task Have a list of all the procedures in your teams APP Each person in the group pick one and write the pseudo code for it Continue dividing up the procedures in your team till you have pseudo code for all the procedures in your App.
Plenary This is my fortune teller App and behind every colour is a different fortune. Once you have seen your fortune the app, after 10 seconds, automatically goes to this ‘pick a colour screen’. I need the pseudo code for what happens when the Green button is pressed.