Able Bodied Seaman Exam Equivalency Center for Surface Operations Able Bodied Seaman Exam Equivalency LT William Hartman MMR/USNR
Task Force EXCEL & The Revolution The Task Force for Excellence through Commitment to Education and Learning is the catalyst for the revolution. Revolutionize the way we train to win on the battlefield of tomorrow and to win the battle for people. Navy Training focus on Sailors, and hardware. Navy commitment to education and learning that will enhance Sailors ability to excel professionally and personally.
The Sailor Continuum The Sailor Continuum is concerned with increasing combat capabilities through revolutionizing the training and education process. The Continuum addresses professional and personal development, professional military education and leadership, certifications and qualifications, and performance as Sailors move through recruit, apprentice, journeyman, and master career phases. Task Force EXCEL’s challenge is to identify and create a Sailor Continuum for all enlisted ratings and officer community career paths.
The 5 Vector Model The 5 Vector Model is the tool that the Navy will use to identify knowledge, skills, and abilities that Sailors and the Navy needs for mission accomplishment. Professional Development Personal Development Professional Military Education and Leadership * Certifications and Qualifications Performance
Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) NKO will be the single access point for Sailors to manage their professional and personal development and access training and educational resources. Each Sailor will have a personal 5 Vector Model on NKO to map and measure career progression; a Sailor’s resume. “Sea Warrior” – Training, Assignments, Career Progression. Sailors will have more control over their careers. Motivated Sailors will be able to accomplish more.
Center for Surface Operations San Diego, CA Commanding Officer: CAPT Steve Johnson Responsible for the development of Boatswains Mate, Quartermaster, and Seaman Apprenticeship Ratings. Signalman Rating absorption; NKO Surface Operations site. Provide the opportunity for Sailors to earn USCG Merchant Marine Certifications For more information on Task Force Excel and NKO:
MERPAC & USCG STCW Basic Safety Training (BST) Equivalency based on completion of Navy Recruit Training. STCW Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (RFPNW) based on completion of Navy Lookout and Helmsman Final Qualification PQS. * USCG Able Bodied Seaman (AB) Exam Equivalency based on completion of Navy Seaman Apprenticeship Training.
Able Bodied Seaman Exam Subjects Cargo Stowage & Equipment Lifesaving Seamanship * Pollution Prevention Aids to Navigation ** Towing Ground Tackle Lifesaving Watchstanding Lifeboats Compasses * Liferafts, Inflatable Rules of the Road Abandon Ship Procedures Firefighting * Knot Tying Practical * Areas of Discussion ** Possible Gap Closing
Pollution Prevention Seaman Apprenticeship students receive 2 hours of Hazardous Material Training: Lesson Topic 3.6 Included in Damage Control PQS and Maintenance and Material Management (3-M) PQS. Included in the Fundamentals Portion of Messenger of the Watch 305 PQS.
Lesson Topic 3.6 Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Enabling Objectives 9.1 IDENTIFY labels and categories of hazardous materials in accordance with the HAZMAT Manual. 9.2 RECOGNIZE safety precautions for Hazardous materials in accordance with the HAZMAT Manual. 9.3 RECOGNIZE information found on material safety data sheets in accordance with the HAZMAT Manual.
Damage Control PQS NAVEDTRA 43119-H 112 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT (HMC&M) PROGRAM FUNDAMENTALS 112.1 Define and discuss the following: 112.1a Hazardous material 112.1b Hazardous waste 112.1c HM labeling requirements 112.1d HW labeling requirements 112.1e MSDS 112.1f DOD HMIS
Damage Control PQS NAVEDTRA 43119-H 112 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT (HMC&M) PROGRAM FUNDAMENTALS (Cont) 112.2 Explain where the following documents are located: 112.2a HMIS for MSDSs 112.2b SHML 112.2c List of authorized HM storage locations 112.2d Hazardous Material Inventory 112.2e HMUG
Damage Control PQS NAVEDTRA 43119-H 112 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT (HMC&M) PROGRAM FUNDAMENTALS (Cont) 112.3 Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the: 112.3a Safety Officer 112.3b HM Coordinator 112.3c Division Officer 112.3d Work Center Supervisor 112.3e Individual crew member
Damage Control PQS NAVEDTRA 43119-H 112 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT (HMC&M) PROGRAM FUNDAMENTALS (Cont) 112.4 Discuss the procedures for disposal of hazardous waste. 112.5 What are the restrictions on the stowage of HM in spaces? 112.6 For individual crew members, what are the training requirements of the HMC&M Program?
Damage Control PQS NAVEDTRA 43119-H 214 INSTALLED DRAINAGE SYSTEM 214.5 Safety Precautions 214.5.1 What safety/environmental precautions must be observed when discharging fluids overboard? 214.5.2 What are the dangers of the improper operation of an installed eductor?
Maintenance and Material Management PQS NAVEDTRA 43241-H 301 MAINTENANCE PERSON 301.2 Tasks 301.2.4 Identify HAZMAT and demonstrate proper personal protective equipment/handling/disposal procedures IAW HMUG/MSDS.
Deck Watches In-Port PQS NAVEDTRA 43397-D 102 WATCHSTANDING (BASIC) FUNDAMENTALS 102.5 State your watchstation responsibilities during the following: 102.5.o Environmental pollution
Deck Watches In-Port PQS NAVEDTRA 43397-D 113 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FUNDAMENTALS 113.1 Discuss the regulations/requirements/procedures and reports for the following in-port conditions: 113.1a Pumping bilges/operating an eductor 113.1b Blowing tubes 113.1c Dumping trash 113.1d Oil Spill 113.1e Noise regulations and limitations 113.1f Boilers smoking due to improper combustion 113.1g Pumping CHT
Deck Watches In-Port PQS NAVEDTRA 43397-D 305 MESSENGER OF THE WATCH 305.5 Emergencies 305.5.7 Oil Spill
Towing Seaman Apprenticeship graduates who report to ships receive towing training every 12-24 months in the form of objective based training. Afloat Training Group (ATG) is mandated by Surface Force Training Manual (SURFORTRAMAN) to certify every 12-24 months that each Navy vessel can tow, and be towed. This certification includes actual hook-up with a sea-going tug or other Naval vessel, and is conducted during the ship’s training cycle.
Surface Force Training Manual COMNAVSURFORINST 3502.1A TAB P TO SECTION 4 SEAMANSHIP (MOB-S) CERTIFICATION CRITERIA 6. Seamanship Training Objectives: The ship shall complete the following applicable objectives and tasks prior to the end of basic phase training. Towing. 7. Seamanship SURFORTRAMAN Exercises: MOB-S-12-SF, Tow and be Towed – 12, 18, and 24 month periodicity.
Towing Gap Closing (If Requested) Summarize Towing instruction, Chapter 9 – Pages 101-107, from Military Sealift Command’s Able Seaman Up-Grade Student Manual, and include in Seaman Apprenticeship student text NAVEDTRA 14067.
Liferafts, Inflatable Seaman Apprenticeship students receive 1 hour of Survival Training including instruction on the Mark 6 Liferaft. Afloat Training Group (ATG) is mandated by Surface Force Training Manual (SURFORTRAMAN) to certify every 12-24 months that each Navy vessel can prepare to abandon ship. This certification includes review of abandon ship procedures and is conducted during the ship’s training cycle.
Lesson Topic 3.12 Survival Training Enabling Objectives 13.1 RECOGNIZE proper procedures to follow when abandoning ship in accordance with Basic Military Requirements. 13.2 RECOGNIZE proper procedures to follow maintenance and donning a CO2 inflatable life preserver in accordance with Basic Military Requirements. 13.3 RECOGNIZE proper procedures to follow while in lifeboats in accordance with Basic Military Requirements.
Lesson Topic 3.12 Survival Training Enabling Objectives (Cont) 13.4 RECOGNIZE proper procedures to follow to enhance survival in accordance with Basic Military Requirements. 13.5 RECOGNIZE proper procedures to follow when in the water (man overboard) in accordance with Basic Military Requirements.
Surface Force Training Manual COMNAVSURFORINST 3502.1A TAB P TO SECTION 4 SEAMANSHIP (MOB-S) CERTIFICATION CRITERIA 5. Seamanship Ready to Train Goals (Completed prior to CART II): (j) UNREP, Man Overboard, Towing and Abandon Ship Bills. 7. Seamanship SURFORTRAMAN Exercises: MOD-S-7-SF, Preps for Abandon Ship – 12, 18, and 24 month periodicity.
Knot Tying Practical Seaman Apprenticeship students receive 3 hours of Knots, Splices, and Knot Tying Instruction: Lesson Topic 1.13. Students are required to demonstrate random knot tying to instructors.
Training Record Book (TRB) Provides a comprehensive record of a Sailor’s training, certification, and professional experience. Provides a means for Sailors to document progress towards earning USCG Merchant Marine Certifications. Assessment by Commanding Officer and Senior Watch Officer upon reporting, detaching, and at least semiannually.
Future Equivalency Requests * Advanced Firefighting * ECDIS OINCW BRM ARPA Radar Observer Certification Flashing Light Certification
Goals Establish an efficient line of communication between the Navy and NMC via MERPAC for future equivalency requests. TRB endorsement letter from NMC. Inform Regional Exam Centers.
Questions? LT William Hartman TEL: (619) 556-6637 Center for Surface Operations FAX: (619) 556-6640 3975 Norman Scott Road CELL: (619) 548-0254 Suite 1 DSN: 526-6637 San Diego, CA 92136-5588