10. Abraham: Faith in Action James 2v18-26 10. Abraham: Faith in Action Ultimate test: Do I love my family more than God? Sacrifice your only son whom you love v21, Gen 22v2, Heb 11v17-18 Confusion: What’s happening is the opposite of God’s promise? Now your faith must turn into action Gen 22v3, Job 13v15 Abraham trusts God knew what He was doing Heb 11v19, Rom 3v4 ‘We love to smell the roses, but never felt their thorns’ God will see you through 2 Tim 4v18 God will never ask you to kill anyone God hates human sacrifice & He stopped Abraham Gen 22v10-12 There are times when God will test our love for Him Be careful not to worship the gift instead of the Giver Faith without deeds is useless, walk out your faith v20
10. Abraham: Faith in Action James 2v18-26 10. Abraham: Faith in Action Abraham kept his only son, God gave up His only Son Gen 22v13 Christ, the ultimate sacrifice in the place of Isaac, you & me GRACE: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense Is there an Isaac in your life? Do you love it/him/her more than the Lord?