Date of download: 12/16/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Evaluating the Effects of Ankle-Foot Orthosis Mechanical Property Assumptions on Gait Simulation Muscle Force Results J Biomech Eng. 2017;139(3):031009-031009-8. doi:10.1115/1.4035472 Figure Legend: Methodological diagram for the generation of each Monte Carlo simulation. Eight input parameters including ankle/subtalar joint unidirectional stiffness, damping, and equilibrium angle, defined as random variables, were described by predetermined distributions (a). Values generated from these distributions were used as inputs into the ankle-foot orthosis model to generate an equation for the external torque applied at the ankle and subtalar joints (b). The AFO torque model, perturbed by the random inputs, was applied within a standard musculoskeletal walking simulation for a single gait cycle (c). Muscle force estimates for the simulated gait cycle were recorded, and the average muscle force during stance was calculated (d). This process was repeated 1000 times to generate a distribution of possible muscle force values ((e) and (f)). The cumulative distribution function for each lower-limb muscle was used to calculate the muscles' coefficients of variation and probabilistic sensitivity factors (f).