Ypsilon™ ankle-foot orthosis Ypsilon™ ankle-foot orthosis. This carbon composite AFO is designed to provide dorsiflexion assistance in the presence of mild to moderate isolated drop foot. It promotes free ankle movements (medial, lateral, and rotational movement). The proximal Y-shape provides tibia crest clearance. This orthosis is contraindicated for an unstable ankle joint or in the presence of moderate to severe spasticity or edema. Courtesy of CAMP Scandinavia AB. SE 254 67 Helsingborg, Sweden. Source: Orthotics, Physical Rehabilitation, 6e Citation: O’Sullivan SB, Schmitz TJ, Fulk GD. Physical Rehabilitation, 6e; 2014 Available at: http://fadavispt.mhmedical.com/DownloadImage.aspx?image=/data/books/1895/osullrehab6_ch30_f015.png&sec=136499548&BookID=1895&ChapterSecID=136499487&imagename= Accessed: December 16, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved