Cell Phones are they good or bad for you? Information and instruction how to use a Cell Phones safely
Background information about Cell Phones radiation Why are we doing this experiment? What is Cell Phones radiation? Does this experiment apply to use? We are finding out if radiation from our Cell Phone effects our Safety. A Cell Phone radiation is something that can be very dangerous for your health. The Cell Phone can have a low or a high radiation and when the radiation is high it can be dangerous. This experiment defiantly apply to use, because in todays time everyone is using a Cell Phone and the people need to know What can happen and how to be safe with there Cell Phones.
Connections between the experiment and cell phone safety What is the connection between these two Waves? We can compare these results of the experiment because gamma rays and microwaves are both dangerous to our body. The gamma rays apply to damage in your eyes and cell which can cause cancer. Microwaves can heat water within the body and kill cells in your body.
Evidence from the experiment You can see, at the beginning of the graph, there there is a massive drop. This represents the particles counted per second.
Advice how to use a Cell Phone safely and efficiently How to use a Cell Phone properly? When the Cell Phone is ringing try to keep the Phone 4-7 cm away from you. Connect the Phone if possible to head set that the Phone doesn’t need to be to close to your head. Try not to call as much and when you are sleeping, try to keep the Phone away from you try also to text to much.