The English Civil War: Reign of Charles I What caused a Civil War in England? vs
Charles I defies Parliament 1625: Charles I takes the throne, needs money for wars Parliament refuses to give Charles money, so Charles dismisses Parliament (#1) Charles can’t raise tax money, so he has to recall Parliament Page 180: What did Parliament force King Charles to sign? Page 180: What did the document do and how do you think the Magna Carta influenced it? Charles signs the petition but has another fight with Parliament and dismisses them again (#2)
DBQ: Charles I Charles I – King of England & Scotland 1. What did Charles believe in and whom did he think he had to answer to? 2. Why did Charles dismiss the Parliament (again!)? 3. What religious issues did Charles face? 4. What deal did Parliament make with Charles?
English Civil War 1640: Due to Bishops War, Charles must call back Parliament & but they insist on a law limiting royal power Charles tries to have Parl. members arrested, but when he cannot, he dismiss Parl.(#3) Members of Parliament call for war, as angry mobs form in London Charles flees to N. England Those loyal to Charles = Royalists, troops are Cavaliers Those loyal to Parliament = Parliamentarians, troops are Roundheads, led by a Puritan MP named Oliver Cromwell vs Charles I Cromwell
DBQ - Cromwell Oliver Cromwell – Member of Parliament 1. What did Cromwell believe about himself? 2. What did Cromwell want to happen in England and why did the King reject him? 3. Why was Cromwell an effective General? 4. What caused Cromwell to form an army against Charles?